Chapter 4

(A/N: Before you start please understand that the MC didn't have any friends till now.So pelase be mercifull with the comments.)

Having one stalker was inconvenient, but having two was even worse.

I can understand why Issei would stalk me, but why would a loli with white hair stalk me? She may be a devil based on how easily she switches positions when I turn my head in her general direction, but I haven't done anything to attract the devils' attention. Well, I was growing at an alarming rate and most of my stats have passed the 250 mark, but that didn't mean that I would serve a devil.

Another thing I remembered from my parents was that some devils would kill you and resurrect you as their slaves, which was even worse than being recruited.

Looking at my stats, I couldn't help but smile at how far I've come in the last week.


[Name: Yoshida Haru

Race: Blessed Human

Faction: None

Class/Job: Tomb King

Lv: 20/100

HP: 3310

HP= (VIT+STR) x2+bonuses/perks = (300+250) x2=550x2=1100+20x100+10%=3310

MP: 6154

MP= (INT+WIS) x2+bonuses/perks= (235+312) x2+2000+500+20x100+10%=6154

(I'm pretty sure that somewhere I fucked up so if anyone of you calculates it differently please let me known)

Money: 2.5million yen

STR: 250

VIT: 300

DEX: 242

INT: 235

WIS: 312

LUK: 100

Stat Points: 100]

What else can I say? I'm quite proud of what I accomplished in just one week of training and goblin hunting. Unfortunately, the experience I gain from a single village is barely enough to fill one-tenth of the exp bar. Fortunately for me, my undead legion has grown, allowing me to cover a larger area than before.

When I hit the twentieth level, I unlocked another undead for my army.

[Nehekhara Warriors –Undead soldiers

The Skeleton Warriors of Nehekhara are ancient and eternally loyal troops who have willingly followed their mighty rulers unto death, forming the very core of all of the Tomb Kings' untold armies. Rising up from the dusty dunes, rank upon rank of these Skeleton Warriors stand ready to kill once more in the name of their immortal monarch. Holding curved swords and long spears, ancient forms awake from their deathly slumbers, forming up in vast regiments with a supernatural discipline that few living warriors can hope to match. The mighty armies of Nehekhara, made up of regiment after regiment of valiant soldiers, swore oaths of eternal loyalty before the gods to serve their monarch in life and beyond into death.

Abilities: Anti-Infantry: Anti-infantry units have an advantage against targets that are smaller than a horse. This advantage can be a damage bonus against small targets, superior weight used to smash through lighter enemies, or an explosive attack from range that affects a large area.

Damage Dealer: This unit has a strong emphasis on dealing with damage. If fighting it, make sure to take it out before it can get into firing or melee range.

Cost: 500 MP for a group of ten]

They were five times the price of regular warriors, but their role on the battlefield was critical. Imagine my shield wall keeping hundreds of enemies at bay while these Nehekhara Warriors flanked the enemy, wreaking havoc and death in their wake.

The only disadvantage was that these warriors were lightly armored and lacked a shield to protect themselves from missile attacks.

At level 20, I can summon 550 undead to assist me. I raised 150 archers, with the remainder split evenly between Skeleton Warriors and Nehekhara Warriors.

My phone began to vibrate as I was smiling at my progress. Picking it up, I saw a message from Aika.

I opened the message and began reading it, and what she said surprised me. She apparently got a flyer from a girl dressed up as a batgirl. If that didn't scream devil or familiar, I don't know what to say anymore. She also stated that the flyer mentioned a contract with a real devil and that she would like to try summoning one, but only if I was present.

What can I say, I was curious to see how a contract worked, but if I actually used it, it would give them a reason to bug me and possibly threaten Aika. Who knows what a devil will do for their own gain?

Pressing the call button on my phone screen, I called Aika.

"Hey, what's with the sudden call?"

"Aika, whatever you do, don't use the contract."

"Don't worry about it. I'm not that stupid to fall for such a prank. I was about to throw the flyer at the garbage."

"Thank god for that. I thought that you will do something stupid and actually try and summon a devil."

"Didn't I just tell you on the SMS that I won't do it alone?"

"You may have told me that, but I know how your brain works. You would have used it before I could arrive at your house so that you could … Don't tell me …"

"Sorry, Haru you got me. I pled guilty."

"Fucking fuck Aika."

"Don't worry, Yumma is really nice. She told me a lot of things about how their job works."

"I'll come at your house, and for the love of God. Don't do anything crazy or stupid."

I didn't even bother getting dressed. My top priority right now is to get to her house as soon as possible and see what shit Aika has put us in.

After half an hour of non-stop running, I found myself in front of her house. Knocking on the door, I could hear my heartbeat. I was nervous for fuck sake and not because I would meet her mother.

When the door was opened, I saw Aika's mother.

"Hello, Ms. Kiryuu, is Aika at home?"

"It's great to see you, Haru-kun. Aika is upstairs with a friend. Come inside, while I call her."

"Ah, don't worry about that. I would like to go upstairs myself. Of course, if it isn't a problem with me actually going upstairs."

"Don't worry, don't worry. Just walk upstairs and her room is the second to the right."

"Thank you Ms. Kiryuu."

Following the direction that I just got, I found myself in front of Aika's room.

Knocking on the door, I slowly open the door. When I fully opened the door, I saw Aika talking with another girl.

Both of them heard the door opening and turned their head to look at it. Seeing that I was the one that opened the door, Aika smiled at me.

"Hey, Haru. Let me introduce you to my new friend Yumma."

"Hey, I'm Haru. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too Haru. My name is Yumma."

When she introduced herself, I used [Observe] on her.

[Name: Yumma Amano

Race: Reincarnate Devil/Fallen Angel

Faction: Gremory/Rias's Peerage

Job: Pawn

Power: Low-Class

Thoughts on you: She is genuinely interested in you. According to Aika, you are a good guy who just happens to look scary. Her master also assigned her the task of befriending you two.

Aika's thoughts: She likes this girl and would like to get to know her better. They both have the same interests and are perverts.]

That's perfect. Now that I've got the devil on my tail, I'm wondering what I did to deserve this.

[Getting a friend?]

Fuck off [Game]. Even if this is her fault, Aika is still my first friend, which to be honest sounds sad as fuck.

[Don't worry, the devil isn't hostile. Even I'm surprised that she's close to the Ally territory]

"By the way Haru, how come you arrived so fast?"

"I was worried about you, you know? Plus it's the first time I heard about a devil and I had no idea what you got yourself into."

[+5 Affection with Aika Kiryuu for worrying about her]

[+5 Affection with Yumma Amato for being a good friend to Aika and demonstrating to her that you are a good guy]

Thank you, girls. Just five more points with Aika and I will get her to fifty percent. When I told her I wanted to be friends with her, I didn't expect to gain another twenty points.

"I'm sorry ok. Yumma is really a good …devil."

"I believe you, don't worry. So what were you two girls talking about?"

"Well, Yumma was telling me about how her job was. From how weird were some people to how many times she was summoned by an annoying college of ours?"

We continue talking for one hour, before Yumma and I had to leave as it was already late. Saying goodbye to them, I start walking towards my home.

After walking for ten minutes, I stopped as I saw Yumma standing near a light post.

"We meet again, Yumma Amato."

"It was quite funny how you tried to hide the fact that you know about us and I understood you. You tried to protect Aika from being harmed by a devil."

"So what do you want now?"

"Not even trying to deny my words?"

"Does it even matter anymore?"

"I guess not. My master wants to speak with you, but from what Aika told me you won't accept her offer. Which is fine, I guess."

"But that didn't answer my question. What do you want?"

"I just want to talk to you. Well, my master told me to tell my story so here it is. I was a fallen angel before I become a devil. I had a team or a group whatever you want to call it. We were under a high cadre in the Gregory, but one of my fellow fallen angels got a little bit too crazy and starts killing us to charge a sacred gear that she stole from a human some days ago. I managed to stop her, but it did cost me my life and the lives of my group. Thankfully, my master, Rias Gremory saved me and killed that crazy bitch."

"I presume your master believe that if I heard your story I would be more inclined on accepting her offer. Am I right?"

"Yes, but it seems my story didn't change your mind at all."

"Yumma, I don't serve. And I will never serve a devil. We can be friends though. I can see that you enjoyed talking with Aika and she will contact you again. Knowing her, she will befriend you and you two seem to have the same passions."

"Well it's quite late and I should go back. Would you like a lift to your home? It's the least I could do for all the trouble that I got you into."


After she dropped me in front of my home, we said our goodbyes and she just teleports away.

Walking inside my home, I decided that I will start gridding the shit out of the goblin ID till the morning.

Listening to what my pawn was telling, I couldn't help myself from being surprised at how well did Yoshida took the whole deal with the devils.

"So he declined my offer right?"

"Yes, he said that he won't serve. Though he said that the two of us can be friends. After all, I really like Aika."

"I can see why the two of you hit so well together. Both of you are perverts. As for Yoshida-san, we can only try and become more friendly with him and maybe have his friend join us."

"Rias-sama, I don't think it will be a wise decision to have Aika join us. It's just a gut feeling, but when he saw me after we left Aika's house, I could swear that I felt killing intent from him. He was ready to fight me at that moment."

"Was he that strong?"

"I don't know how strong he is. I know that he trains himself to keep himself in shape, but more that than I do not know.'

"That's fine. Good job Yumma. You can go home for tonight.

[+5 Affection with Rias Gremory. She finds you interesting and would try to recruit you]

No thank you. Stay away from me, please.

While I was cursing my bad luck, a goblin tried to attack only for him to be hit by a death bolt.

Fucking little shits can they see that I'm pissed?

Looking at the amount of bodies left after the battle, I could only sight. Five hundred goblins and I barely filled 5 % percent of my exp bar. At first, I thought that a village will get me 10 to 15 %, but it seems that I was wrong. If this keeps going like this I will have to switch my tactic.

Fortunately or unfortunately, my genocide made the dungeon activate the boss protocol.

[For slaughtering an enormous amount of goblins, A Goblin Big Boss was summoned with an army of 3000 goblins at his disposal. Prepare for a bloody fight.]