Chapter one

i walk outside and listen to the cars pass me. i walk into the road to cross the street. a car rips around the corner and hits me. i feel my bones snap and everything goes black. i slowly open my eyes. everything around me is black.

there is fog everywhere. i stand up and look around. i look at my hands and hear footsteps. a man in all white walks up to me.

"are you April?" the man asks

"um...yes? can you please ex-" i start but the man knocks me out. he grabs my leg and drags me on the ground for hours. i wake up on the cold floor i open my eyes and notice a gag in my mouth. i try to get it off but my hands are tied i spit it out and start yelling.

"help! anyone! i dont know where i am! help me!" i scream

a man walks in and unties me he has wide shoulders and brown hair. his eyes are brown and red. i back away from him into the corner.

"hello April, i am your master now. you are my personal maid." master says

"o...okay.." i say.

he grabs my hand and bits my wrist i feel him sucking blood out of my arm. i shut my eyes tightly. i feel my hand drop i open my eyes and he is wiping his mouth. a single tear drips down my face.

"sorry, its only a one time thing." master says and wipes my tear.

"these are your new cloths" he hands me a maids outfit. "you get two pairs of the maid outfit and one sleep dress." he hands me a dress. "you must wear the maid outfit everyday now, go meet Liza she is the one in charge of you. run along"

"um...thank you."

i walk out and down the hall i see a girl with her head down in a maid outfit with a name tag that says "Liza" i run up to her.

"hello i'm April the master told me to come see you." i say in a soft voice

"ah April, follow me to your room." she walks down the hall and opens a door for me. the room is small with a bed and a side table, with a small lamp on it. i walk in and stand there.

"now get some rest. in the morning you start your work for the master." Liza says leaving. i put my stuff down and flop onto the bed. questions rush in my head. the lights turn off im in darkness. works continue to rush im my head.

my alarm rings and i get up and put on the maid outfit. with no sleep i hear a bell right. and a light on my rise goes on and says. "the master requests you."