Chapter fourteen

we walk down to the dinning room where all the maids are. i hold his arm nervously and he moves his arm back and rubs my back. i smile up at him and tell him to stay where he is. i walk in grab some food and walk back to him. he picks me up and holds me. i look at him and blush.

"Edward you know i can walk." i say confused

"shut up and eat puppy." Edward says smiling. i giggle and start eating. either the food is amazing or i'm starving. i think i'm just starving. i finish eating well we are still walking. i lay my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. i'm half asleep when he puts me down on his bed.

"don't leave me" i say quickly grabbing his hand.

"i have to shower silly" Edward says laughing

"nooo" i wine

"come on puppy ill be fast then ill come back and snuggle you."

"ok fine.." i slowly fall back asleep. before i know it i feel his hands wrap around me. i smile softly and put my head on his chest i fall asleep. in the morning i wake up with a chill i sit up. Edward is no where to be found.

"Edward?" i say

"hey puppy im in my office." i hear him yell. i walk into his office and he stands up and hugs me. i have to stand on my tip toes to see his chin. he leans down and kisses me. i smile and lay my head on his chest.

"your so warm" i whisper.

"your adorable." Edward says softly.