Next morning

Christopher tried to get his thoughts together before Gabriela arrived, but lo and behold she also arrived earlier than agreed upon. 'Was she trying to ditch me? Is she really shy or just scared of me? -shaking his head before greeting her 'there's definitely no reason she'd be scared of me, so then shy, but why?'.

"Good morning Gabriela." His smile got even bigger as he liked the idea of walking to school together with his mysterious green eyes dancer. Stopping right in front of him, "Good morning. I thought you said to meet later?" "I'm glad I came when I did. I don't see why we can't walk together since we both are going the same way, besides why were you going to school so early?" He asked curiously, trying hard not to fold his arms in his chest, eager to hear her reason.

She continued looking straight at him trying to figure out why he is so persistent in being around her. "Why did you switch classes? Why even bother even talking to me, let alone walking to and from school with me? You are tall and handsome, good at sports, and probably good at schoolwork too." She said while looking at him up and down, taking in his height, brown eyes, and hair, soft-looking lips, broad shoulders, masculine, but not too muscular body frame. "Do you not have a girlfriend or fiancé to accompany?".

He looked at her, questioningly, "fiancé?" "Well, I have heard your partner in street dancing is your fiancé." "If you are interested in me, why act like you aren't? I know you were watching me play tennis yesterday. Were you blushing out of embarrassment when you walked away or maybe because you have fallen for me?" While speaking he had gotten closer to Gabriela, without her even realizing it as her eyes were glued to his. As he mentioned her falling for him, he was merely a few inches away from her face, trying to see past her ridiculous glasses waiting for her reaction.

She wasn't really attracted to his friendliness or his good looks or the fact he enjoys dancing just as much as she does (she remembers seeing him dance in a competition her brother and she had participated in) or how well he plays tennis...' wait a moment why am I…' feeling hot breath on her lips, she quickly stepping back as she comes out of her thoughts and realizes how close he was to her face went from tan to red in a split second.

Standing upright, he laughed slightly before asking her if she had breakfast already. 'What just happened? Why, no how did he get so close? Breakfast?'

She looked back at him, now in confusion, "yes breakfast. I haven't had any yet, will you like to come with me to the local pastry shop? It's the next block over from school and we have plenty of time." He says casually as he steps aside, gesturing for her to walk. She looks straight ahead then back at him asking again "why me? You don't even know me? You are completely different from me, the center of attention. I don't like attention and that is all I will get with you." Straightening her posture, looking straight into his eyes, "I don't like attention, so you can go alone."

She was about to turn around, " how can you not like attention when your such a good dancer?" She stopped, frozen, not expecting to hear him call her out on dancing, i mean no one would have guessed she dances, why him? How could he?

Seeing her stop in her tracks, he smirked, walking in front of her, "You don't like attention, but enjoy dancing, is that the reason for your thick glasses and country getup?" He asked as he slowly removed her glasses revealing green eyes and red cheeks…."beautiful" rolled off of his tongue before he could say anything.

"Excuse me, but can I have my glasses back?" She said trying to control her embarrassment, for he had nailed it in one go, 'he really is smart.' Looking at how the baggy pants and baggy shirt she was wearing today, didn't do her beauty justice, he handed her back the glasses, " how did you end up as a street dancer, which you are really great at, I couldn't take my eyes off of you when I saw you dancing," he admits a bit embarrassed on how it all was coming out, hoping he didn't sound like a jerk, "when you don't like to be the center of attention?"

Sighing, finally giving in to him. "Let's talk on the way to the pastry place you mentioned." He smiled in delight and led the way.


They sat at a table for two near the back, away from most of the customers which were a mix of students and others. The students weren't paying much attention to them as they entered since they were too focused on getting what they wanted, making sure to pay attention when they were next. The pastry shop was not too small, but not big either. After they placed their orders, Christopher looked expectantly at Gabriela, waiting to hear the questions to his answers.

"Well," he says fiddling with her hands, "my brother invited me to dance with his group of friends and, well, I was hesitant but glad that I went " a small smile appeared on her face as she was remembering their first performance. "But only after that one performance, people around me changed." Her smile also changed into a frown. "That's when my brother and his friends agreed on dancing in different cities and with elaborate makeup and outfits. As for the people in our town, well, they eventually forgot about our performance and went back to treating me as if I didn't exist and I liked it. I was finally able to breathe again while also enjoying dancing."

Christopher was happy to hear about Gabriela, even more so to see her reactions change in an instant, although he did feel a bit upset about the people only seeking her for her dancing and not as a person.

They soon received their breakfast and began to eat. Throughout breakfast, he would glance at the cute little hamster in front of him. She is small and cute, even if she is wearing oversized clothes and eats like a hamster, well in his imagination she does.

They left with a few minutes to spare. Christopher wanted to make sure so he asked again, "you will walk home with me again today, right?" Considering the fact he talked to her and didn't mind whatever anyone would say about them walking together, she almost agreed, "what about.." "Christopher!! There you are. Where were you yesterday after school?" Lexi ran towards them, instantly grabbing hold of his right arm as she acted all cutesy lovey dovey, ignoring Gabriela completely.

Christopher's face turned from happy to annoyed as soon as she grabbed his arm. He just turned to look at her and she let go, knowing that this look meant to leave him alone. Then she turned to Gabriela, looking her up and down. "You must be the transfer student. I'm Lexi, Christopher's soon to be girlfriend." Gabriela was trying to understand 'soon to be girlfriend', isn't usually soon to be the wife? she thought but keeping quiet. Ticked off by what he just heard, "since you think we are together just by dancing, I will no longer be your dance partner." Then he turned to Gabriela, "See you later. Oh and sorry for this." They waved bye and went their separate ways now leaving Lexi ignored and alone.

Christopher and Gabriela walking and talking together became a routine. Gabriela was actually surprised that no one tried to bully her or gang up on her after what had happened to Lexi. Little did she know, that most of the student body, as well as neighbors already knew that Christopher looked at Lexi as a little sister and nothing more despite her attempts for his affection. Likewise, that was the final push she needed for her eyes to be opened that their relationship would never go beyond dance partners.

Christopher and Gabriela ended up spending their summer vacation hanging out together most of the time. When school started back up Gabriela started dressing in regular teenage girl clothing, styled her hair, and wore light makeup. Everyone except their friends thought they had a new transfer student.

After the Thanksgiving holiday, Christopher asked Gabriela to be his girlfriend. She accepted gladly and he took her lips with his own and pulled her close to him. The kiss was brief, leaving them leaning their foreheads against each other. Blushing at him softly say, "I love you Gabriela and have wanted to kiss since the time your glasses slid down your face and I got to see your beautiful green eyes and blushing face." She was too shocked at all of what he said and embarrassed, she didn't say anything. Already expecting a response like this, he chuckled, kissed her forehead, and then pulled apart. "Will you be able to go out with me on Christmas Eve?" Hoping that he would say this weekend, but Christmas Eve? That was three weeks away. Looking at her confused look, he clarified,"we will go on plenty of dates before then, I just want to make sure I can have you, (cough) I mean have your time on Christmas Eve. I figure it's best to ask in advance so you could check with your parents and before you make plans with your friends."

She smiled and said she will make sure to be 'his' on Christmas Eve.

Christmas Eve, Christopher took her out for brunch, then they walked around town looking at different store's Christmas decorations. When dinner came around he took her to a place to buy her an evening dress, he also changed into a suit and they went to a restaurant that he had a table for two by the window reserved. They had fun, enjoying the food as well as each other's company. When the dessert came so did the surprise.

Gabriela was getting pretty full with the delicious dinner so when Christopher mentioned dessert she gave him a look, "can I take my portion home?" He just smiled simply saying "of course." When dessert came, the plate of a mini cake was presented in front of her with a gold-colored decoration, with a light sparkly blue glitter in the center of the gold. The small cake looked to good to eat, so she didn't realize what the gold circle with the light blue sparkling in the middle was until she looked at the cake more closely and touched it. She gasped, looked back at Christopher who was already on his way to kneel before her. "My Sweet green-eyed dancer, Gabriela, will you marry me?" She glances at the cake then back at him before looking around the restaurant. Many people were now looking in anticipation for her reply. She quickly wrapped her arms around him, "couldn't you have asked me with not so many people around?" She said to him while hiding her face in the crook of his neck as he was still on his knee. He hugged her, stood up pulled her a little bit away just so he could look into her eyes, "Will you marry me, Gabriela?" the sincere look in his loving eyes, gave her a smile and the world around them faded as she said yes and he pulled her in for a kiss.

They finished high school as fiancés. After graduating they married and moved in with each other. Both hard-working, but still make time to have for themselves.