Mika spent the rest of her afternoon at a park; she sat under a big tree. Mika smiled with her eyes closed, "If this is what all the people with plant-type Quirks feel, I don't want to move." she said.
As Mika opened her eyes, she saw a little bird fly towards her and landed on her lap. Mika tilted her head, *Odd... birds don't get close to people out of the blue.* she thought, *Unless...* Mika held her finger out and placed it under the bird's feet. The bird looked at Mika's finger and quickly got on it.
As Mika lifted her finger with the bird on it up to her face, she held her other finger out and got it close to the bird's head. The bird looked at Mika's other finger; it lowered its head. Mika smiled a bit and petted the bird's head.
When Mika finished petting the bird, it looked at her for a bit and flew off. Mika placed her hands on her lap, "You know, I bet it's really boring hiding in a bush all by your lonesome." she said. Mika turned to a bush on her left, "Wouldn't you agree, Koda?" she asked.
Mika saw some shuffling in the bush; she saw Koji pop his head out of it. Koji turned to Mika, "H-How did you know I was here?" he asked.
Mika giggled a bit, "It's uncommon for birds to get up close to people unless someone uses their Quirk on them." she said, "And you're the only one I know that can do that." Koji blushed a bit, "O-Oh." he said; he looked away, "Sorry..." he said lowly.
Mika smiled, "It's fine." she said; Koji turned to her as she moved a bit and patted on the grass, "Want to sit next to me?" she asked. Koji nodded as he got out of the bush; he sat next to Mika, "S-So, what brings y-you here?" he asked.
Mika scratched the back of her neck, "Well... my place was feeling tense so I went out." she said, "At first I was in the library reading books, but Momo and the other girls came by. After we had a little catch up, we did some shopping."
Koji was a little confused, "I bought nothing; I was just looking around with them." Mika continued, "After that, we just hanged out at a food court and separated afterwards." Koji nodded, "I-I see." he said, "W-Well... how have you been after the incident."
Mika looked at the ground, "To be honest, I've been better..." she said, "I try to forget about the incident, but it's been... hard..." Koji frowned a bit; he turned to his bag and looked through it.
Mika turned to Koji with curiosity; she saw him with a Pocky box in his hand. Koji turned to Mika and held the box out to her, "D-Do you want some?" he asked.
Mika smiled, "Sure." she said as she took a pocky stick out of the box. Mika held a bit of the pocky stick in her mouth and turned to Koji, "What brings you here?" she asked, "Don't you live in a different region?"
Koji nodded as he took a pocky stick out of the box, "I-I do... but I came here for a bit, and have a look around at the mall." he said.
Mika was shocked, "You were at the mall?" she said, "What a coincidence, I was at the mall with the other girls a while ago." she said. Koji looked away and nodded, "I-I know..." he said lowly.
Mika tilted her head, "By any chance, were you spying on us?" she asked; Koji panicked, "I-It wasn't intentional!" he shouted. Koji looked at the ground, "I-I was... worried about you." he said.
Mika was surprised, "Worried? About me?" she asked. Koji nodded, "A-After USJ, y-you were crying in that man's arms a-and it made me worry." he said, "I-I wanted to see if y-you were alright."
Mika looked at the ground and nodded, "Is that so? I'm sorry..." she said, making Koji turn to her, "I get your reason. The things I saw were terrifying, and I broke down when I saw my dad... I... didn't know what else to do..."
"Isn't that what being human is." Mika was shocked and turned to Koji, "It's true that some humans are strong, like All Might, but he still feels emotions."
Koji looked forward, "People can be complicated, but one thing that most people have in common is that people have emotions." he said, "Whether it's from a fight between others, or losing someone you care for, people still feel them even if they don't show it."
Mika was in shock and awe; Koji blushed a bit and rubbed his arm, "A-At least that's my belief." he said. Mika smiled, "To be honest, I'd expect something like that from Tokoyami." she said, "But hearing it from you makes you sound wise."
Koji smiled a bit, "Th-Thanks." he said; he remembered something, "O-Oh! I almost forgot about something." he continued. Koji turned to his bag and looked through it; Mika looked at him with curiosity.
Koji pulled a gift box out of his bag, surprising Mika. Koji turned to Mika and held the gift box out to her, "T-This is f-for you." he stuttered with a heavy blush.
Mika looked at Koji for a bit and back at the gift box; she took the box out of his hand. As Mika opened the gift box, she saw the bow she looked at in the mall in the box, surprising her.
Koji fiddled with his fingers, "I-I saw you look at that bow and bought it for you." he said, "Y-You've done so much for me, s-so... I wanted t-to return the favor."
Mika looked at Koji, "You didn't have to do that." she said; she looked at the bow. Mika smiled a bit, "But... I'll accept your gift." she continued, "Thank you, Koda."
Mika took the bow out of the box and put on the right side of her hair. Mika turned to Koji and blushed a bit, "H-How does it look?" she asked; he smiled, "I-I think it suits you." he said. Mika blushed a lot and smiled, "Th-Thanks." she said.
As Mika looked at the field, she saw butterflies near some flowers. As Mika turned to Koji, she noticed he was trembling, "Are you alright?" she asked; he slowly nodded. Mika leaned forward a bit and saw butterflies near Koji; she noticed his face got paler.
Mika leaned back and looked at Koji, "You don't like bugs, do you?" she asked. Koji looked at the ground, "N-Not l-liking b-bugs is a-an understatement." he stuttered, "I-I have a-a f-fear of b-bugs."
Mika nodded, "That's understandable." she said, making Koji turn to her, "I'm not a fan of bugs either. There are some bugs I find creepy and some bugs I avoid completely. I even creep myself out when I turn into a bug hybrid."
Koji felt a shiver down his back at the thought, "However, there are bugs that I can handle and don't mind being near them." Mika continued, making him turn at her.
Mika held her finger out, "Butterflies are one of them." she said, "Not only do they have pretty wings, but people always say that if a butterfly lands on you, then it brings good luck or something of that term to you."
A butterfly gently landed on Mika's finger, surprising Koji. Mika turned to Koji and smiled, "I get why you fear bugs, but not all bugs are bad." she said; he was in shock and awe. As Koji looked forward, he took a deep breath and held his hand out.
As a butterfly gently landed on Koji's hand, he was shaking, but he still held the bug in his hand; he turned to Mika with a wry smile. Mika smiled a bit, "Looks like we'll be lucky today." she said. Koji giggled a bit, "I-I guess s-so." he stuttered.
Mika smiled as she let the butterfly on her finger fly away. Mika shooed the butterfly off Koji's hand, "I guess you want to overcome that fear, huh?" she asked.
Koji nodded, "I don't know what progress you've made about overcoming your fear, but it's a start." Mika said smiling; he nodded, "Y-Yeah..." he said. Mika stood up and stretched for a bit, "Well... I better head back home." she said.
Mika turned to Koji and waved goodbye, "I'll see you back at school." she continued. Before Mika could leave, Koji stood up and grabbed her hand, "W-Wait a minute, Lyoko." he said.
Mika turned to Koji in shock, "I-Is it... is it alright if I walk with you... to your place?" he asked. Mika blushed a bit at the sudden action, "U-Uh... s-sure, I don't mind." she said. Koji realized he was still holding Mika's hand; he lets go, "S-Sorry, I didn't mean to." he said.
Mika shook her head, "No worries." she said. Mika rubbed her hand, "It caught me off guard, but to be honest... it was actually... kind of nice." she said lowly.
Koji blushed a bit, "Well then... shall we get going?" Mika asked. Koji nodded, "L-Lead the way." he said; Mika nodded as they left the park.