In the last week of June, only one week remains until the final exams start. They got the chance to see their midterm scores.
Mika looked at her midterm score and saw that she was eight out of twenty, *Not the greatest score, but it's better than I thought.* she thought, *All I need to do is study more.*
"Aw man! I didn't study at all!" Mika looked at a frustrated Denki and Mina laughing. Denki grabbed a bit of his hair, "Between the sports fest and the internship, I didn't get the chance to study." he said.
"It's true we have had little free time." Fumikage said. Mika nodded, "We didn't know much since school started, so the questions weren't too tough." she said.
Koji and Rikido nodded, "But now we have these other events, and I have a feeling that the finals will be hard." Rikido said. Mika nodded, "Not only for the written exams, but for the practical exam." she said, "We're not sure if it's like the entrance exam, or if it's something different."
Rikido looked at Mika, "Now that you mention it, you're right." he said with worry, "We don't know what the practical exam is like." Mika sighed, "Even though we know little about the practical exam, we still have to study for the written exam." she said.
Mika looked at them, "If you like I can help you guys study for it." she continued, "I'm might not be as good of a teacher as Momo, but I'll try." Rikido smiled, "Thanks Lyoko." he said; Mika nodded as classes continued.
When the bells rang, they got out of their seats and left to the cafeteria. Before Mika could leave, Koji gently grabbed her hand, making her stop; she tried to see if anyone was still in class.
When Mika saw no one, she turned to Koji, "Do you need something, Koji?" she asked. Koji nodded, "Can you help me with some math problems?" he said, "I'm... not very good with them."
Mika smiled a bit, "Alright, name the place and we can study on that day." she said. Koji blushed a bit, "A-Actually... I would like to study with you outside." he said.
Mika tilted her head, "Right now?" she asked; Koji nodded. Mika smiled, "Sure, I don't mind." she said. Koji smiled a bit, "I know a great spot where we can study." he said. Mika nodded, "Alright, lead the way." she said. As Koji let go of Mika's hand, they headed outside.
(Time Skip)
Mika and Koji sat under a tree with their food and studied together. Mika had her math textbook out explaining some math problems, and Koji wrote what she said on a piece of paper.
Mika looked at one of the math problems in her textbook, "It makes sense why people get confused with quadratic formulas because you don't know if you have to use the long formula to simplify it or simplifying it another way." she said, "And graphing them can frustrate someone."
Mika wrote on a piece of paper, "But once you know the rules about quadratic formulas, it should be easy." she continued, "Do you get the idea, Koji?"
There was silence, "Koji?" Mika asked. As Mika turned her head to Koji, she noticed that he was sleeping. Mika shook her head and held her hand out to Koji's face.
Mika snapped her fingers, making Koji flinch a bit, and quickly woke up. Koji turned to Mika, "S-Sorry..." he said as he rubbed his eyes, "I-I didn't mean to doze off."
Mika sighed and looked forward, "By any chance, did you lie to me about coming out here for studying?" she asked; Koji was shaking a bit.
Koji looked at his lap with a slight frown, "Y-Yeah, I did... I'm sorry." he said. Mika nodded as she closed her math textbook and placed it on the ground. Mika laid her head on Koji's arm, surprising him.
Koji turned to Mika, "If you wanted to bring me out here for other reasons, you could have said so." she said smiling, "I'd still go outside with you if it's for studying or cuddling."
Koji smiled a bit, but it was short-lived, "
Mika panicked and lifted her head up, "H-How long have you been there!?" she shouted. "Long enough." when they looked up, they saw Fumikage come out of a tree and sat across of them.
They blushed a lot and looked away, "So... how long have you two been together?" Fumikage asked. Fumikage looked at Mika, "And I would prefer that you don't lie to me about it like you did to the others, Lyoko." he continued.
Mika looked at Fumikage and sighed, "Since the hero internships." she said; Koji nodded in agreement. Fumikage nodded, "Who knows about the relationship?" he asked.
Mika rubbed the back of her neck, "Both of our parents know about it, but for our classmates... only you." she said. Fumikage nodded, "Ah, I see..." he said, "And you've kept this a secret amongst us."
Mika nodded, "However, I didn't expect someone to find out already." she said. Mika realized something and looked at Fumikage, "Wait, are you-" he shook his head, "I won't tell anyone about your secret." he said.
Fumikage looked at Koji, "You could consider this as repayment for not telling the others the secret I told you at USJ." he continued. Mika sighed in relief and smiled, "Thank you, Tokoyami." she said.
Fumikage nodded and stood up, "It's almost time to return to class." he said, "We better get going." Mika nodded, "Right." she said as she gathered her belongings and got up; Koji did the same thing, and they headed back inside.
(Time Skip)
After class, Mika saw a happy Denki and Mina; she tilted her head, "What's going on here?" she asked. Mina looked at Mika, "It's about the practical exam." she said, "Midoriya says that it'll be like the entrance exam. Aw man, I can't wait for summer camp!"
Mika had her hand on her chin, "Is that so..." she said lowly. Fumikage turned to Mika, "Something wrong about it?" he asked. Mika looked at Fumikage, "Well... I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that doesn't sound right." she said; Denki looked at her, "What!" he shouted.
Mika looked at Denki, "I'm sorry, but fighting robots sounds too simple." she said. Mina got depressed, "How could you say stuff like that?" she asked.
Mika looked at Mina, "Think about it, we were the hero course who fought against real villains." she said, "If the practical exam was just about fighting robots, then it would be too easy for us."
Mika looked at them, "You don't have to believe me if you don't want to, but I believe that it's something worse than fighting robots." she continued. Fumikage looked at Mika, "How can it be any worse?" he asked. Mika looked at the ground, "I'm... not sure." she said lowly.
Mina smiled a bit and placed her hands on Mika's shoulders, making her look at her, "Don't be so down about it, I'm sure things will be just fine." she said. Mika smiled a bit and nodded, "Yeah... I hope so." she said.
Mina smiled and continued cheering. Before Mika left the room, she turned to Denki and Mina. Mika looked forward and frowned a bit, *Hopefully, what I said was wrong.* she thought as she left the room.
(Time Skip)
After the written tests, they were in their hero costumes and stood outside at the front of the battle centers. Mika was surprised to see the teachers standing outside too, *I have a bad feeling about this.* she thought with worry.
Mr. Aizawa looked at the students, "Alright everyone, lets begin your practical exam." he said, "Remember, it's possible to fail the exam. If you want to go to training camp, don't screw up. Do you all have a vague idea about the exam?"
Denki raised a fist in the air, "It's Robot Rumble time like the entrance exam!" he shouted. Mina smiled, "S'mores and fireworks, here we come!" she shouted.
"Not quite!" Mika looked at Mr. Aizawa and saw a mouse-like creature come out of his scarf, "There will be a few changes about the entrance exam." Most were completely shocked, "It's Principal Nezu!" some of them shouted.
A few of them had pale faces, "A few changes?" Momo asked. Principal Nezu nodded as he climbed off of Mr. Aizawa with Thirteen helping a bit. Principal Nezu looked at them, "For now on, we'll focus on flesh-and-blood opponents." he said.
Principal Nezu pointed at them, "It's crucial that our teachings stimulate practical experience as close as possible." he continued, "So, you'll be paired up and fight against one of the teachers you see."
They were nervous, "The pairings and the teachers you will fight against are already assigned." Mr. Aizawa said, "Your battle moves, your grades, and your friendships; we considered these factors and more."
Mr. Aizawa turned to Momo and Shoto, "For example, Yaoyorozu and Todoroki are the first pair." he said. Mr. Aizawa made a fighting stance and grinned a bit, "And they'll be facing against me." he continued.
Mr. Aizawa turned to Izuku and Katsuki, "Midoriya and Bakugo are the second pair." he said. They were shocked and turned to each other, "And your opponent is..." Mr. Aizawa continued.
When they looked up, they saw All Might in the sky and land on the ground. All Might stood up and looked at Izuku and Katsuki, "I am here to fight." he said.
They were in shock, "You'll have to work together if you want to win." All Might continued. Principal Nezu raised his paw, "Now it's time to announce the teams and the teachers they'll be facing in order." he said.
Round One: Kirishima and Sato vs. Cementoss
Round Two: Tokoyami and Asui vs. Ectoplasm
Round Three: Iida and Ojiro vs. Power Loader
Round Four: Todoroki and Yaoyorozu vs. Mr. Aizawa
Round Five: Aoyama and Uraraka vs. Thirteen
Mika had her hand on her chin, *If they considered friendships in this, I know for a fact that I won't be paired up with Koji.* she thought; she continued listening.
Round Six: Kaminari and Ashido vs. Principal Nezu
Round Seven: Koda and Jiro vs. Present Mic
Round Eight: Shoji and Lyoko vs. Snipe
Round Nine: Sero and Mineta vs. Midnight
Round Ten: Midoriya and Bakugo vs. All Might
Principal Nezu held his paw out, "You'll be doing this one at a time." he said, "To complete the exam, you'll have thirty minutes."
Principal Nezu showed them handcuffs, "To win, your objective is to put these handcuffs on your teacher." he continued, "Or if one of you escapes the combat stage." Mika had her finger on her chin, *I think I understand what's going on.* she thought.
Once the other things were explained, Mezo walked towards Mika and Koji, "Lyoko." he said. Mika turned to Mezo and nodded, "I know... we need to come up with a strategy." she said.
Koji was shaking a lot; Mika noticed it and turned to him, "You nervous about this?" she asked. Koji looked down and nodded, "Don't worry about it, Koda; you'll do great." Mezo said.
Mika smiled and nodded, "We believe in you, Koda." she said. As Koji turned to Mika, she raised her fist in the air, "Give it everything you got." she continued. Koji smiled a bit and nodded, "We better get going, Lyoko." Mezo said; Mika nodded, "Right." she said.
When they reached to the top of the stairs, Mika stopped and turned to Koji, "*Good luck, Koji.*" she signed smiling, "*I love you.*" Koji blushed a lot and smiled as he caught up with Kyoka. Mezo turned to Mika, "What did you say to him?" he asked.
Mika turned to Mezo and smiled, "Oh, just some words of encouragement." she said. Mezo stared at Mika, but nodded, "Alright, let's go." he said as he walked towards the building. Mika nodded, "Right." she said as she caught up with Mezo and they entered the building.