The Relationship With Parties

"Stay behind me!" I yell as the Fishman behemoth emerges from the water.

"How can I get any experience then?" Fire filled Lavender's palm and eyes as the little girl in a pink dress stepped up beside me.

"Let me distract the big one, and you take out these small ones, then we will finish him together."

"That sounds better, you look like you already got some experience," a glimmer of shyness almost peaked through as she looked my body up and down, but Lavender swallowed it and focused on the fight.

As I ran forward, I could see bolts of fire burn into the remaining Fishmen and prepared myself for my fight, letting my blade go. Even with my levels, I only had 10 MANA left. So, I decided to try and use the glove.

Running, I point my hand to a large rock and pull it to me. It ends up coming faster than I anticipated, and I'm just barely able to push it away in time. I think the monster was laughing at me, so I tried again. This time the rock narrowly missed the monster, and it stopped laughing.

With an ear-splitting roar, the behemoth charged me, but it stopped. Its hands flew up to its face as a rain of firebolts peppered it. Lavender caught up with me and ran alongside me. She didn't look different, but seeing her fight like this was starting to turn me on!

"Let's go together. Pump firebolts through my sword as we run at it," I yell to Lavender as we run.

Lavender gets closer and puts a hand on mine, and I feel her small soft chest press me, almost making me stumble. I got my senses back and I activate the LIGHT BLADE, and Firebolts shoot from the tip. Both of us plunged into the monster, but at the last second, I let go. Lavender fills the beast with fire and she stepped back. I could see the sweat glistening down her skin, and slipping down her small heaving breasts, but then she emits three bursts of light.

Lavender's body begins to change. She begins to get taller, her hips started to press into a sexy curve, and her chest started to press into her dress and stretch the seams. Lavender pumped all her magic into the beast, and it fell, but as she turned to me and smiled, I could see a vacant look in her eyes.

I ran to catch her in my arms as she passed out on her feet. I cradled her soft body to the ground and now I see and feel her more developed body in my arms. I felt her chest press into me as I gathered her up into in my arms, but I didn't let it distract me from where I was and what was going on.

Looking around, I could see no more monsters, and I heard a gurgle of water. I lifted up Lavender as I stood. She was still light, and I wasn't that tired, so I had no problem carrying her.

The leveling seemed to help with that, making me stronger and faster in the fight. Turning, I could see that the stone bridge path had come back up, so I walk back up to the house.

Once finally back in the hall, I walked back to my room with Lavender. I laid her down in my bed, and as I did, she started to stir. Lavender's eye's slowly opened as I laid her down gently. The problem was, I still had to get into the bed so I wouldn't just leave her on the edge.

As our eyes connected, I felt my entire body warm-up, consider my one hand was still holding her bottom. The moment only lasted for a second, before Lavender kicked me off her. I had the wind knocked out of me as I hit the ground hard. The sound of Trina laughing filled my ears as I gasped for breath.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Lavender screamed at me as she rolled in my blanket to cover her fully clothed body.

"Don't you remember?" I ask, still catching my breath.

"We were in the cave, how did that turn into you trying to kiss me?" Lavender accused, pointing at me.

"I wasn't trying to kiss you. I brought you in here because you passed out. I wasn't just gonna leave you there or wait in a damp cave for you to wake up. So I brought you here because I have no clue what the other rooms are."

"But why were you over top of me so close?"

I just shrugged this time.

"I didn't want you to fall out if you slept a long time while I went to find Miss Grace or Tilly."

"Weren't you worried? That my mom might get mad?"

"Maybe, but I was more worried about your safety," I told her, standing up.

"I guess so. Sorry and thank you," Lavender pulled the blanket to her face and turned her head as she spoke.

"So, It looks like we are still the same level."

"How did that happen? You must have killed a lot more than me. How are we the same level still?"

"Trina saw it! Dave, let go and let you have all the experience from the big bad guy!" I was confused with how Trina spoke there, but the scream that followed confirmed my suspicions.

"What is that adorable thing!" Lavender bounced on my bed excitedly, completely forgetting about our last conversation.

"If you can see her, then this is Trina, my guide."

"A guide? I have never heard of something like that unless you pay someone to guide you."

"Trina is Special, and I am not to be sold, traded, or bought. I guide Dave into trouble, I mean, well I guess that's what I really meant,"

I nod knowingly. Why can Lavender see Trina now? What changed?

"Trina, why can she see you?" I ask my small faery.

"She is in your party now, Trina thinks you really need to get on top of your alerts!"

She wasn't wrong. The icon in the top corner was flashing a different icon each time it blinked. I decided to try and sit on my bed. I move warily to sit down, but Lavender makes no move to attack me.

I opened my alerts to see I have new screens popping up, and I read them in order.


Your actions in helping LAVENDER have caused your relationship level to increase by 15. You are now, Friends!


Interesting, so helping people succeed will maybe give me some kind of bonuses. At least this was a clear indication for me how a person feels about me. I close the window and open the next.


Due to the RELATIONSHIP STATUS UPDATE, LAVENDER is now a part of your party. Increase your RELATIONSHIP STATUS to gain more benefits!

Just as I thought, the better relationships I have with my party, the stronger we will become. I guess this also means I should be trying to gather more party members. There were two more windows left to look at, and I closed the last and was surprised by the next message.