To The Second Layer

After that night, we all said our goodbyes and headed to Shadeholm. The journey expended our savings, and Sasha found some exciting jobs to keep a roof over our heads, but after three months, we ended up where we were now.


My mind snapped back from the place it had taken me, and that familiar and disconcerting sound made me look to where Kyrina had been. In her position, Kyrin sat wearing a black shirt and pants, a drastic change from his typical light plate. He was giving me a funny look while examining me.

"Are you alright?"

"Hmm? Yeah, I was thinking about when we met."

"Oh? What parts? the ones where I tried to kill you?"


"Or the part where you said we would get married?"

Another bout of nausea almost hit me as the motion sickness wash over. Kyrin had changed back to Kyrina in mid-sentence, and the up-close effect was hard to stomach. It was how the entire body got sucked into a single point, and then the other body spun out in its place.

"Mhm, all of it," I groaned as I clutched my head.

"Are you alright?" Kyrina asked with a worried expression.

"Oh? No, I'm fine. I just get a little dizzy when you two switch places."

"Is it better if I do this?"

Half of Kyrina's face melted and then pulled itself back together as one half of Kyrin's face.

"Let's say it's not worse than before, and I don't feel like I've been thrown in a blender. So, I think this is the best plan while in close quarters."

The other girls were now paying attention to our dialog and started to laugh. Sasha and Maxine both had finished their pie. Sasha was stretched back in her chair, while Maxine had her back turned to everyone with a toothpick trying to get something out of her teeth.

Mikota curled into a ball on her chair, pulled next to Jill's. Mikota had put her head on Jill's lap and was now having her hair stroked. Everyone was relaxed, so I lifted Mikota, carried her to our new rooms, and put her down in bed. Jill suggested the baths, but Kyrina said she would stay with Mikota, so the four of us went down and found the spring was free rather than single tubs.

I was the first to get undressed, and I slid into the water, watching the loose dirt fall off. The day picking weeds on autopilot and the other memories left me exhausted as if I had just experienced those memories in the flesh rather than a daydream. Three splashes around me made me look around, coming out of my thoughts, and I was surrounded.

Three beautiful women with wet towels glued to their shapely frames advanced on me with mischievous looks in their eyes. Part of me thought, Mmmmm, but the more logical me knew these girls were up to no good, but I had been cornered. I tried to turn and pull myself out of the water, but that's when they pounced!

They must have smelled my fear because they were on me the second, I made a motion, and before my hands got a firm grip on the edge, hands gripped me, everywhere.

"HEY!" I tried to protest, but I was systematically ignored by all three as two held me in place, and Jill approached with the scrub brush.

Oh no.

Jill, the first girl I had ever kiss and my oldest friend, one of the kindest women I knew, except. Right now, I was nothing but terrified of this kind and loving woman that had a scary and far too familiar zeal burning in her eyes. She raised the scrub brush like a weapon above me and felt like I was about to piss myself in fear.

Jill, so cute and friendly, unless she thought you needed something. That might be too vague, but it's a reliable and apt description of her personality...defect. If Jill decided you needed a check-up, you got a check-up, now, and on the spot. If she thought you were dirty, you went in the bath, and she held you down until at least the top two layers of skin had been removed from every square inch of your body.

I received such treatment, and every plead I made for it to end was met by giggles and laughter from Sasha and Maxine. During my wails for it to "finally just end or kill me now," I noticed something about Sasha. She held me in place tight with her hand, but I only felt a constant pressure like a normal hand.

Finally, the flaying of my skin ended with Jill stepping back to examine my red rubbed-raw body and gave the girl's a nod. They both released their grips, but Sasha grabbed me and pulled my sore back into her chest with her arms wrapped around me. I looked down and noticed a thick rubber-like coating covered the claws.

"What are these?" I asked Sasha as I lift one of her hands to my face.

"I found them in a shop, they were a bit different before, but the owner warmed them up and shaped them for me. The man said he had made similar ones before for other Tiger-Kin."

"That's really amazing. I will be nice to sleep without wearing that heavy chainmail."

"I'm not too sure if I'm going to wear them to bed or not yet."

"What do you mean?" I asked, a bit puzzled. I had thought that this would be the main reason for getting them.

"Well, If I don't wear them, I know Maxine won't sneak into bed."

I reached behind myself and started tickling Sasha, The other girls had disappeared, and only the two of us were left in the water. Sasha tried to attack me back, and we ended up tangled in the shallow part of the spring. Her towel had come, off and Sasha slid her naked body over mine as she pinned me down, my head just barely above water.

"I think we can get more use from these claw covers than just sleeping," Sasha lifted her weight slightly and then pushed us into the slid wall of the spring.

For the first time, Sasha and I held nothing back as our lips and body pressed into each other. The feelings we shared were pure ecstasy as I could feel her pulling me into her. After we snuck back into the room and Maxine was already fast asleep, the two of us crawled into bed.

In the morning, I woke up to Maxine clutching one side of me, practically falling out of her nightgown. On the other side, Sasha had pressed her chest round my arm like a vice clamp. I could feel the blood start to trickle from my nose since every other part of me was more than filled.

Before I could act on the urges that were coursing through my entire body, the door banged open, and Mikota strode in with Kryina and Jill. The sound startled the girls, and they pressed into me hard. I should have been in a dreamland, but the blood pressure broke like a dam, and blood squirted from my nose.

"Quit being such a pervert, Dave! Why aren't you ready to go yet?" Mikota scolded me.

"I was having a wonderful sleep. It's not my fault that you went to bed so early." I retorted back while using a napkin. Jill handed it to me to clean my face off.

"YAWN!" Sasha gave an exaggerated stretch as she stretched her jaw with a long-drawn-out yawn.

I kicked the girls out except for Maxine, who was still clinging to my side, even after I sat up. I lowered my face down to her to kiss her forehead, but her eyes opened, and suddenly I was being blown into the air and spun, landing back on the bed. Maxine mounted me and pinned my arms down for effect, considering how small she was.

"Your mine tonight, and the Kitty gets her own room, you hear? That means your mine tonight!" Maxine was almost panting.

I dared not make any excuse in this position, and with her, this worked up. I lift my arms slowly with her hands, still trying to hold them down, and then quickly wrapped my arms around her and flipped over. I peppered her face with kisses as she struggled to break free, but finally, she squirmed from my clutches and off the bed, looking disheveled like a wild animal.

The two of us got changed while poke and tickling each other. By the time we changed, Mikota was pound on the door, telling us to hurry. When we finally finished and were about to open the door to the hall, Maxine pinched my arse, hard.

"Ouch! What was that for? You little devil!"

"Just a reminder about later," Maxine spoke to me while giving a longing look before opening the door.