An Eternity In A Single Moment







The sound of Lavender's voice crying out my name made my eye shoot open and connected with hers. I didn't wait. I sat up and pulled her into my arms and kissed her. A lot of the memories that were lost were fresh in my mind.

Tears poured down my face as we kissed, and I held her close, not wanting the moment to end. The trails we had been through together and the lives we worked so hard to cement their place in this chaotic place. Our embrace was cut short with the sound of Iona clearing her throat.

"What just happened to you? I saw you blackout, but you came back within seconds! How?" Iona questioned while examining me.

I pulled away from Lavender and kissed her forehead. After standing up, I explained to them quickly since Victoria was still injured, and there were the gifts. Once finished, the girls all stared wide-eyed but didn't argue or ask a question.

"So, I have some gifts for you guys from each of the girls. These new powers will augment with your Class and mix with skills and existing magic from what I know. Come forward and touch my hand, and I will release the power."

The girls helped Victoria, and they all took my hand. I released the powers, and my earth and Mikota's darkness stayed with me, but then all five of us burst with light! I was different this time, like leveling but more.

"What's going on?!" Tilly yelled.

"I'm not really sure!" I yelled back.

The light was intense, but I could look at their brilliant bodies with no problem for some reason. The radiance seemed to burn out clothes away, and I could see their glowing naked bodies, strangely it didn't bother me like it did before. Suddenly, each of us left out ecstasy moans as a golden symbol appeared for each element taken.

I felt the earth's movement in my left shoulder as the golden stone fist rose slightly from my skin. Then, I felt her arms again, a golden snake wrapped up and around my body. It was reassuring to know that a small part of each would be with us.

Lavender's mark rippled onto her skin, and there were fish in golden waves swimming down her side. That was Jill, the perfect pair to Lavender's motherly personality. Sasha's claws dug into Tilly's back and left golden tears while Tilly cried out in pleasure. Victoria's body was no longer damaged, and flaming golden scales crawled her neck on the side while stretching down in between her breasts and ran up the sides.

Last was Iona, and I was still confused about what Simon had said about her being like Tilly and needing my help. Regardless, Maxine's Wind magic created golden airwaves that moved across her chest and brushed her breasts' tops. Iona was also not in her lolita form at the moment, but none of the girls had noticed yet.

The light had started to lessen, so I move quickly to Iona to cover her and whisper, "You're not small."

With a small *poof* sounds, Iona was short and a loli again. I held her close, and she hugged me back. We had a bit of a hugfest before deciding to get out of the place and going home. I mean, we were home, but out of this "room."

The girls wanted to question me, but I said I needed a bath. They protested about it until I asked if they all would like to join me. I walked out of my room with a towel and left them speechless and embarrassed girls looking like red-faced gaping fish.

The bathroom was warm, and the bath full and steaming as always. I slipped out of my coat and clothes and got into the water. The heat burned at first, but soon my body adjusted to it, and I laid back, relaxing.

The icon in the corner of my HUD was flashing several symbols, so I activated it. A flood of notifications filled my screen, and I went through them, one after another.





Check AVATAR for skill details.

Now that looks exciting, I can't wait to see what those changes are. Looking down to my bare arms where the black marks once were and seeing the golden fist and snake made me feel like it was gonna be something big. I kept going through the screens, getting my flash with my level up to fifteen, and then a new Class option appeared. This was different. Last time it just gave me a random.


At level 15 RANDOM, you must choose a path. You may select from the following classes:

GRAVITY BATTLEMAGE- Control the forces of up and down, attacking your enemies from all angles. Gain CONTROL GRAVITY and dominate the battlefield.

SEISMIC EARTHEN DEFENDER- Create mountainous defenses and shake the earth with your resolve. Gain EARTHEN BULWARKS and SEISMIC STOMP.

STONE BLADE SHADOW DUELIST- Wield stone weapons with ease while dancing in and out of shadows to strike.


Something seemed off. I mean, I guess they are all normal, but I felt off. With Destiny/Serina/Lavender���s blessing, I expected another Legendary Class. Maybe it's because she is in the game now, which could also be the reason for Trina's disappearance.

So the question was, what do I pick now? None of them really stood out above the other. Before with the girls, it was just like, don't even think, just select the Legendary Class. Now I have to actually look at each one and decide what would be best.

In the end, I decided that it would just be best to finish my bath and see what the girls had. It would be no good if I picked something similar. I got out of the tub after a little while longer and dried myself off.

Soon, I was back in my massive room, but everyone had gone to wash up like I had. I put on my clothes but left off the coat and headed back out of my room, closing the door as I left. The hall was empty, so I headed downstairs to the back and stopped by the kitchen.


Tilly put down the tray she had just picked up filled with meats, cheeses, and different crackers. I held my arms out for her as she came closer until she fell into my arms. I pulled her in close and he wet hair and partially damp ears pressed into my face. I had thought a lot during the MINI-GAME, and it was just nice to have her in my arms again.

When she pulled away, Tilly went back to grab the tray, giving me a kiss as she walked by me and said to follow her to the back garden. Outside and sitting around the small table was the dry looking fire users Victoria and Lavender, both looking beautiful as ever. Tilly sat the plate down with the food, and everyone dug in.

"Where's Iona?" I asked as I sat down.

"Right here, I have wind magic now, but I still have a lot of hair to brush."

Iona walked from the house, taking the last seat as she adjusted her pigtails. She was back in her nurse costume, but she still had the three needles Tilly had made for her attached around her thigh. After the eating slowed down and the plate was almost empty, consider we were all tired and hungry, But I spoke up before they could pass out in their seats.

"Have you guys all picked your new Classes?"

"Yes." All four said as one.

"Wah? You didn't want to wait this time?"

"What do you mean? All of our classes just upgraded. It's not till level twenty that you choose a new path," Lavender explained to me.

"Well, then how do you explain this?" I asked to stick out my hand with the pinky out and showed them the choices,

"I didn't get anything like that," Victoria said, and the others agreed with her.

"Well, you have asked for my help, now I need yours. What do you think I should pick?"

The girls huddled up and told me to go to the kitchen and wait for them, so I got up and left. In the kitchen, I was able to get some soup and bread. I was reminded of the last night I had spent with Jill and the rest.

As I ate, I began to think about the things we needed to do. There was Miss Grace, whose trial was less than a week away, and then the demons, Fate and Grismald, were trying to release. After all that, we still had to figure out how to win this round.

While I was still lost in thought and I had long finished my bread, Vitoria came to get me, and we went back to the girls outside. She remained tight-lipped during our short walk, and the girls were smiling, but Tilly and Iona looked a bit flustered.

"I think you should take the last one. Iona has darkness magic, and Tilly's ring gives her earth magic. Both would pair with your perfectly new Class. You will just have to keep the two of them close," Lavender explained.

"That does make sense, but are you too OK with this?" I asked the two girls looking at the ground.

"I don't care, whatever works," Iona turned her back on me, putting her nose into the air.

"Darling, are you OK with having me by your side?"

As Tilly asked that question, Iona's hands shot into the air in frustration, and she stormed back into the house.

I smiled at Tilly and moved in, giving her a quick kiss and nose touch before running after the fleeing Iona.

"Iona! Wait"