Afraid Of Losing

Something broke inside of me as Lavender and Tilly's screams tore me to my soul.


I slammed my foot down and crushed the pavement, and the next instant, I smashed the MOUNTAIN BLADE into Fate, but the black chain got in the way. The force from the blade's weight could not be stopped so easily, though. Fate smashed through multiple buildings, and I followed, attacking relentlessly. The demon and Fate seemed to be able to keep up with me barely, but I was getting farther and farther away from the group, but I couldn't stop now.

Suddenly, Fate disappeared, and I found myself in a back alley of some very tall buildings. I searched everywhere, but I couldn't see anyone, but I could feel him all around me. Or I could feel a lot of somethings evil around me, and that wasn't good. This place was a trap.