Damn Space Pirates

Targeting us? I didn't have time to figure out what was happened when another massage flashed.



We were shaken violently, but the chairs created bubbles around us, and we were kept safe from any flying debris in the cabin. When the ship stopped shaking, our bubbles dropped, and we got up. I quickly put on my suit while Kyrina transformed into her tiger form. I wasn't sure where they had struck, but I ran to the cargo bay to grab my MAS suit.

When we got there, we could see the tip of a ship protruded through our hull, but it had released some kind of foam to keep the place pressurized, so we knew the needed air to breathe. I wasted no time and burst in after checking the camera and ran to Diamond edge on the opposite walk. Slapping my hand onto the faceplate, I turned and fell into the suit.