Your Not Coming?

"Where did you get those from?"

"Hehe, they are good still," Dresnal laughed as he tossed the skewers to me.

I caught them and handed one to Kyrina, but she shook her head in disgust. She grabbed her suit instead and stormed back inside the tent. Once we were both back suited up, Dresnal handed us a pair of weapons.

I was given a katana, similar to the naginata I used with Diamond Edge. Kyrina was handed a pair of what he called Katar, a type of fist hand blade. This would be a good fit for her style; I thought of the damage that would have been done to the guy that had tried to jump me. Scary!

"We are heading out to the sands today to find some monsters to get you used to fighting them. They are fast, as you know, but they have random movement. Most are insect type monsters that can burrow."

"How will we see them coming like that?"

"Let's go!"