
We stepped into the magic teleportation circle, and the world went blue around us. Suddenly we were back in the too room we had entered. Dresnal stood up from his corner and walked over to us.

As he came over, a light flashed, and a large pile of Catsect bodies lay in a heap on the floor. Dresnal smiled at us through his wrapped face as he got closer. The body didn't look damaged; even that giant one was still in good shape.

"Well, look at, you two! It looks like things went well; you are both in one piece each, so there is that. You got quite the haul down there, and our cook is going to be thrilled."

"So how do we get it back now? We can't carry it?"

"That's what we're here for!"

I turned to see the girls walk into the tower. Mikota was the one who spoke as she ran over to me with Tama. I gave them hugs and looked up to see Sasha and the rest walk up to greet us.