The Real State Of The World

"What are you talking about?"

I turned around to see Simon in his white lab coat, shaking his head at me. I was happy to see him, but if he was interrupting a game to talk to me, it wasn't good news.

"Okay, Dave, I like that you bring all goody to shoes now with the women, but you can't let your self get cuckold like this! It not good for business."

"Who's business? And I don't own these women! I can't stop them if they want to seek out other relationships!"

"No, that's not how it works!"

"What do you mean that's not how it works? What aren't you telling me? What is going on out there that makes any difference in here?"

"I can't tell you!"

"Oh, and why not? Aren't we friends? Aren't you trying to help me save these girls?"

"That's the point of it all..."

"... The point... No, you don't mean... Are people watching us, Simon?"