Worries For The Future

So our chance was great, but it wasn't like we had much choice. Irellia and Kyrin, plus all the others, would make it impossible to win the race, and we wouldn't make it back. I took Tama's suited hand, and we walked back inside.

When we got there, the other girls had already suited up, and Kyrina was shifted into her tiger form. Dresnal was wrapped up in his rags and waited for me. I walked up to him in my suit, and we were almost the same size now, but he had a much broader chest.

"So, The Glass Forge? Well, good luck, no way I'm going down there, and I worried about you taking my daughter there with you."

"Sasha won't be coming with us, and neither will you, Kyrina or Maxine. Just the five of us will be going on this trip. You need to find a way into the city and learn anything about the racers that you can. Any information you gain is the difference between life and death, but you need to be careful. Your lives come before everything, understand?"