Like I Just Went To Sleep

As we reach the end of the canyon, there were only four monsters left. They looked like praying mantis of some sort but with glassy shells covering them. Mikota's clones cut through the first three in a hail of red beams, while Tilly destroyed the last one with a pair of rockets.

I was sure someone or someones was yelling at the screens of their monitor, crying about how that isn't right and how it must be against some rule. I wasn't worried, nor did I care; it was their own fault for letting the bugs push the carts down here with us. It wasn't our fault that we got creative with what we had!

The last parts of the glass bugs were disintegrating into black particles as we pulled up to the end of the cave. There was a crack in the wall that continued forward, but it was too small for us to fit thought, of course. Somehow I felt that the Game Master must have changed around the place just to give us some challenges.