Agent 54

/You're kidding me, right?\

//We didn't have a lot of time; you were only out for fifteen minutes. Most of them freak out, but Tilly and I tried to explain that this has happened before, in the other games. So, then I thought up this plan, and we talked about how it would work, and here we are!\\ -Iona.

//You have to admit it was a good plan\\ -Tama.

/There is no denying it wasn't genius, but we could have had a quick test, right?\

//No, we could only lift it because it was already going up. It would be too heavy, so we just had to hope it worked\\ -Iona.

We were partway up the hill path going out of the canyon, so I decided to sit back and relax. No point in crying over milk spilled; what's done is done. I closed my eyes and drifted off.