Red-Soaked Sand

The ride was rocky at first, but soon it smoothed out; we still couldn't see out of the dome, so we decided just to lay back and relax. There would be more than enough excitement tomorrow. Even Mikota was silent as we wait to get to our destination.

Finally, we stop, and the girls started to get up, but I put my hand up. 

/Wait, we need to stick together, so let me go first. Then you all follow behind; this place is going to be dangerous. Ignore almost everyone we meet and keep your glass clouded; the less they know, the better, okay?\ 

I climbed out of the vehicle, followed by the girls. I turned to wave to our driver, but the bubble closed, and he drove away. At least he didn't drop us out the bottom this time. 

//So, were we staying tonight?\\ -Mikota.

/I was hoping Sasha or Kyrina would help us out there in that department\

//That this is the sun district, there is a motel called Sandy Nights close\\ -Kyrina.