Ignorance Is Bliss

I took Sasha's hand and looked into her eyes; this was hard. I had just shared this experience with Maxine this morning, and now she was gone, and I was about to do it again. I think Sasha understood my hesitation after telling her what I wanted to do, so she took my face in her hands.

The Kiss took us back to the ship when we had talked in a hall, and I had no glowing purple lines. The scenery change was a bit disorienting at first, like Kryina's shwip switch, but Sasha held me. I finally blinked enough times to get things back into focus and stepped back from Sasha.

"We need to talk about some things."

"What do you mean? Why did we have to be here?"

"Because this is a safe place to talk."

"What? Who told you that?"

"Maxine did; she wouldn't lie about that, would she?"