
Around fifty red dots were surrounding us, the white knights closing in. 

//Those are The King's imperial knights; let us out!\\ -Kret.

/Alright, Kyrina, let Tarclaw and then to me and get in!\

//But..\\ -Kyrina

/No but, with me, now!\

I willed the Acura-Gel to let go of Kret, and he flew out as Diamond's chest opened, sailing through the air. Kret hit the sand on all fours and started to tear into the knights like paper dolls. I could see Tarclaw join the fray alongside Kret while I tracked Kyrina's shifting form get closer on the map. 

Before she got close enough, I willed Diamond to alter the inside, making the harness fit two. I would need her inside the sphere that kept the gravity stable when I started to move fast. I turned, going down on mone knee as Kyrina's shrinking tiger form flew at Diamond's opened chest cavity.