No, Wait...That Was An Ara!

"Ara Ara Ara, Ara?"(Just like old times, hey?)

"Stap it, you sound way too cute to be Dave!"


"Okay, we need to find something for you to do to level up! There is no registered experience, and you cant level more than one level at a time! How about you open the menu, Mr. Foxxy!"

Ugh, I better change soon before Trina drowns me in her gushing. 

*Wave of evil thoughts rolling though my little fox mind*

No! lousy brain! I am not some lolicon! Stupid play on words takes my brain into a dark rabbit hole. Nevermind this, screen, page, sheet... what did she call it again, stupid brain...EVOLVE! 

Instantly a red screen appeared in my HUD that was back, but different this time. I had a health bar and some other things to do with my body, like hunger and the need to relieve myself. I had no idea why those were there, but they were part of the HUD and not the red screen.

Current Evolution: Basic Fox

Current Combat Skills: