The Code Part 1

"So, I didn't just come here to make fun of you and only tell you how the world is going to end, hehe. No, we have a lot to talk about, and I saved up a bit of time, so don't be afraid to ask questions. If you don't, then I might get worried, hehe!"

"You are way too jovial for this kind of talk, Simon, but alright, spill the beans; what news do you have about our existential crisis?"

"Okay, there are a couple of things, but I'll start with the best part, The Code."

"Well, don't get all dark and mysterious with me, Simon. Just tell me what this 'Code' is."

"I told you, we have time, stop being so damn impatient! Do you know what I do while your out cavorting with women? I work on this problem; Dave, I haven't left the office since you went in! I have a cot set up in the room I work in, and I catch a few hours where I can, but I am always working on this problem, so cut me some slack if I want to be dramatic or conversational, just humor me."