Misdirected God

Suddenly I was back, Alex stood in front of me, and Kyrina was at my side. I looked over at Kyrina and then pulled her into a tight embrace, but as I did, a message popped up on my HUD.

//Mission trigger\\

//Registering Harem Member: Kyrina: [Dandere 0%] [0 Active Skills] [0 Passive Skills]\\

//Mission: [Gravity Perks]: Complete 0/5 accidental compromising falls within 24hrs\\

Oh great, here we go. Is this for real Tequila? I half expected you to…

//Did you forget about me, you idiot?\\ -Aquina.

NO! Dammit! How can I do this now?

//Registering Harem Member: Aquina: [Tsundere 0%] [0 Active Skills] [0 Passive Skills]\\

Really zero percent? I thought she would start off with at least seventy-five percent...wait, I haven't been scolded yet! 

//I closed the line between your thought, and now you can communicate like normal\\ -Tequila.

Oh, thank you so much, mom! I was about ready to crack if I had to do that again.