Force Communications

"Another one? Hehe, so now what? We jet off and just leave the planet to its fate, taking its god with us?"

"Basically, but now UW will be stepping in and restoring order to the plant. Don't think too hard, Kret. You might pull something, hehe!"

We both laughed as Tarclaw and Kyrina joined us, and we started to walk to the ship. Alexander was at least paying attention now and had made the fifth spot in the front, but before I could get in, I broke from the girls and left to get in the waiting Diamond. 

I turned and backed into the familiar suit and felt instantly lighter on my feet; ah, that was good, I would dual wield the naginata and Aquina easily as I had with Sandra. As the suit locked into place, I kept the glass back and rejoined the group—time to go and get off this damn sandball. 

"Cats in the back on the cooling rack, girl, you are the ones in front with me."