Self Skill Point

I woke up with both girls tucked into either side of my arms, feeling their naked bodies pressed into mine. It was a great feeling to have them tight to me, but and orange light was flashing. As much as I wanted to stay there, duty called; I pulled myself up and squeezed from the girls who showed no sign of getting up. 

That was fine; I assumed this orange light meant we were at Xeno, but orange was a weird color. It didn't mean danger, but it also didn't mean it was safe. I grabbed a towel and then left the room; outside, Alex and Alterion were both stand and waiting for me. I was a bit surprised to see them in the...hologram…

"So, Orange, what does that mean?"


"He means to us right now! Do you always have to be so stiff? The orange means there is something in the way of us getting to the planet. Thirty dreadnought whales and three Behomoth classed squid things!"