
After I couple of harder slaps and some harder squirting, and I pulled her panties up and made her stand, as much as I would like to bend her over right here, I could hear the girls coming back. Sudden, Aquina latched on to my arm and then transformed, sticking to my leg in her pistol form.

//MISSION COMPLETED: Total Points: 1 [HMSP: Tsu]/ 5 [SP]\\

Well, It wasn't like Aquina had her own MAS unit, she was essentially from a different game and ran off a different System. Maybe I could integrate her into...wait, Salburst was here…

My attention was turned to Tama, who was holding what looked like a galaxy trapped inside a ten-pin bowling ball. I had completely forgotten that they were bringing my Core; well, that changed everything, according to my downloaded memories, I can control and fuse any MAS units. So that means I can change the shape…