
After getting inside the reef with all the multicolored sponge-like coral, I settled down in the sand again and decided to wait until night came. If I was a nocturnal hunter, then no point in getting my days and nights mixed. I covered myself up completely with sand and settled in.

'How do I find the girl? Any idea, Mom?'

'Each time you mate you have a twenty-five percent chance of summoning a Harem member, but they start out at Rank A like you did.' -Tequila.

'So, then, I want to start right away?'

'I would not suggest that. At the present moment, you cannot protect yourself, so adding more people to your group right away is not advisable. I suggest you take some time to get strong and that way you can help them power level to your Rank.' -Tequila.

That did make sense, I needed to get into shape and level first before bringing the girls in.

'One more thing about mating, please do not attempt it until you have evolved.' -Tequila.