Undead Gansta

I caught up with Aquina, and she gave me a wan smile, before pointing up to a crevice up in the wall, ahead of us. I looked up to see a chocolate bar stuck up there, so I cracked my knuckle and grabbed the FN FAL out of the air as It appeared, and lined up the shot. Holding my breath and squeezing the trigger landed me the results I was looking for.

[NRG Drink Machine Coin Collector]

One more to go! I would have to pay attention in this next room, but at the same time, I had other things to do. Aquina is a big girl and she will find it, but I will keep my eyes open for it just in case she doesn't find it. I wasn't sure if it would still be around at the end of the round, but it was logical to think that it would be.


"Always," Aquina said with a smirk.