Saved By My Grace

What in this world was going on? Why were all these women sex freaks? What had I gotten myself into, better yet, what had Branson got me into? That bastard was probably laughing his ass off, but I wasn't about to abuse the trust I had built with my girls just because the game thought it might be funny.

'I have to admire your ability to stay true, just like a good and proper Leader. Mom gave her the directions, so she should be here pretty quick. Just a pre-warning, don't stand near that door, Grace is mad. I won't repeat the violent string of things she said, but I am sure you can imagine.' -Dansei.

'I can't leave the two of you alone for ten minutes, and you're already locked in a room with a half-naked woman!' -Tequila.

'You act like I just walked in here! I didn't even get to knock, and she grabbed me and dragged me in here. I thought it was a joke until I got thrown in this room with the door locked!'