Try To Hide

'Tequila! There has to be something I do other than run! These darts and songs aren't doing anything to these metal dogs!'

I dodge the first one that jumped at me and then took a grazing hit from the next one as I tried to do a spin evade. I was left with a white-blue digital gash on my arm, I switched tunes and started the Healing Hum. The missing part of me closed up, but the dogs were already coming again. 

'You have to use what you have! You have other skills for crafting, but you need to defeat these one first!' -Tequila.

'Why didn't you tell me this before?!'

I rolled and then jumped, sticking to the roof.


'I tried to tell you but you just kept going!' -Tequila.

'I thought you meant I could use them after! Okay, I will try to do this, then I will let you explain!'