Not Messing Around

The two of us carefully pushed the grass curtain aside and walked cautiously into the hut into an arena. The precise moment we stepped inside, completely through the doorway, it instantly disappeared and the stands were instantly filled with passionate people that were roaring and cheering enthusiastically. I looked all around and the familiar place was similar to the arena that I had fought in during the random game.

"Welcome to my arena! I am your charming host, Gragle! This day you will be fighting fiercely to win each one of these lovely ladies!" An extremely squat and portly man yelled down, but I promptly locked onto his shrill voice and instantly dropped into the ground.

Gargle had all the frightened girls up there with him, and I was sick and tired of playing by the rules. I was here to beat the game, and that's what I was going to accomplish. There would be a shield of the arena, but not in the walls, and they were made from stone.