Hail On Slime

I floated back around the corner, but then a bar popped up.

[Mobile Lair Creation] 25% Complete!

What? Lair? Tequila or Dansei, can you help me with this, I'm drawing a blank. I thought beholders took a long time to create a lair? Yup, a real long time, according to the Memory Download, but there is nothing about the Mobile Lair Creation.

'We have actually talked about this, so I can tell you about it. True, it normally takes a beholder three hundred years, give or take. That wasn't going to work for this idea, so we talked over the Mobile Lair Creation. It feeds off the experience you get from monsters, and since you don't use any, all the experience goes to the lair creation. Normally, you had it set to grow with you and give you more rays and access to your negative energy cone.' -Dansei.

'So, I just have to keep killing to fill up my bar, and I get better stuff? Do I have all the lair abilities of the normal beholder?'