R-Rated Kitties [XXX]

After pulling my eyes back into my head I blinked. There were two girls laying face down and naked on a pair of towels. Both had tails and pointed cat ears and I started to get way too excited. 

I walked over slowly, but I wasn't quiet. I didn't want to sneak up on the girls, it felt so long since I had seen Sasha, and just as long since I have got to spend anything time with Tilly. Both girls rolled over as I got close, to expose large naked breasts and beautiful smiles spreading across their face.

"It's nice to finally see the man of the house is finally home," Sasha said, standing to come over to me.

"I told you we would get to be together again soon, I am glad things are still going really well for you. I think you deserve a little bit of a reward for all your hard work!" Tilly said, already walking over to me.