And I Fucking Knew Everything

I tried to command the golem, but suddenly I was standing in an ankle-deep river of purple glowing blood. I was no longer in the golem or a beholder just like that, I was back in my sandy blonde hair and muscled game avatar. Now, what? Was there something wrong with the game? 

I tried to want, but the blood made me slip, and I fell into the ankle-deep blood, but I didn't stop falling. The glowing purple blood drank me into and I was plunged in deeper, but my eyes were closed so I couldn't see anything but the glow. Then I stopped falling and just floated; I had been holding my breath, but now I realized that I didn't need to breathe here, and I just knew that.

"Dave, welcome back, Master. Why have you come to see me?" An aetheric female voice called to me.

"Who are you? I know you, but I don't know who you are," I said, through the blood, but my voice came out without problem or distortion.