Scare The Piss Out Of Me

I sat in the cave, holding Mikato in my arms, as she was curling into my bare chest. I wonder what Gripton's plan was with this world? If this was training, what was it training for?

"So, what do you think? Pretty 'cool' looking place right?"

I almost jumped out of my damn skin and The man in question appeared in front of me. Mikato stayed asleep, but I was curious if this was something like that Dansei used to do. Still, Mikato was one of my Harem and protected by my the game world.

Suddenly, I felt naked and more than just the fact that I wasn't wearing a shirt. I was no longer in the worlds I created. Sure it was hell most of the time, but the game had limits and restrictions put in place by me to prevent things that could seriously harm a player. 

"What do you want and why did you bring me here?" I asked, trying not to let the unease out as I spoke.