Clutched My Chest

[Day 1/1825 on The Godless Green Earth A.I World]

"I will get her to you, but for now I will act as a guiding voice until you two are back together. Head west from here to the coast. If you run, it should take you half a day to reach the settlement. I need to go check on Hyde, and the other two to see how Bhan and Kiada are doing."

"All of them made it fine?"

"They made it, K is doing a lot better than Bhan, but that was to be expected. Drania always rolls her eyes at the new random list of flavors the girl's blood is set at. That was a really good idea on your part! Who wouldn't want to bite into an ice cream-flavored neck? That is one that didn't get messed up by Reginold," Gripton said with a smile.