A Little Birdy [XXX]

[Day 13/1825 on The Godless Green Earth A.I World]

I floated into the palace, I had gotten a little carried away when we built this place. I enter a large room with a large fountain in the center of the room. There was a pair of large curved staircases that led up to a single landing and I floated up to it and then down another long hall with a few doors on either side. 

All of the rooms had people in them, Grace put some of the more dependent people in these rooms. She worked more closely with them, trying to get them to be more individual.

They never spent more than three days with us in the palace. With Grace around, people just seemed to grow new and unique personalities without her even trying. 

Honestly, all I watched her do was boss them around and I wasn't really why it worked, but it did. No one was in the hall now though, so it looked like Grace and the girls got everyone to do as I asked.