chapter one: the day after

(I t had been 24 hours since the homecoming Game everyone is on edge )

Jake: I can't believe it you know it's crazy nothing ever happened in this school before

Luke: it's ok don't worry about

Jessica: uh you do realize Monty is still missing right no one has seen him since..

Luke: it's fine jess he's probably just somewhere sleeping

Jessica: well I'm gonna go to class I'll see you guys at lunch ok

Luke: alright Jake you ok?

Jake: yea it's just Monty always answers his phone it's not like him to just vanish

Luke: look he's ok just go to class and try not to think about ok .

Jake : ok

(Flash back to ten minutes before the home coming game )

Monty: look amber I'm sorry ok I..

Amber : your sorry sorry for what ? Cheating on me ?

Monty: really you know that's not true

Amber: I saw you she kissed you

Monty : you don't know the whole story

Amber : what ever we're done goodbye

Monty: amber wait ..

Couch Jones: Monty let's go

Monty : sigh alright the hell you looking at Cruz

Jake: nothing Monty just looking for Jessica

Monty: still trying to get with get her .

Jake : what ever Monty at least I nevermind

Monty :" what did you say?!

Luke:" Monty chill let's go "

Monty : "your lucky" (turns and goes into the looker room )

Jake: thanks Luke .

Luke: no problem see ya after the game ok

Jake: ok see you

Flash back ends

Yo Jake (a voice calls out )

Jake: huh oh hey Cody

Cody: 'hey have you seen Monty no one seen him since you know "

Jake : no I haven't actually have you ?

Cody: no you think he's alright ?

Jake: well ..

Mr Cruz , Mr allpress get to class

Jake: yes sir I'll see ya Cody

Cody : ok bye

Jake head's off to class

End of part one