chapter 4: why him?.

Jake is walking in the hallway a voice calls his name

"hey Jake" the voice said

Jake: what oh hey Toni

Toni : you don't look good you OK ?

Jake: yea i'm fine just thinking about... never mind how are you ?

Toni: i'm good hey did you here what happen to Monty

Jake : yea it sucks

Toni: so you wanna hang out after school ?

Jake: i'll let you know OK

Toni: OK no worries text me later OK

Jake OK bye

( she kisses him on the cheek )

Toni : OK bye handsome

( she walks away Jake has a flash back to after the home coming game a fight has broken out )

Jake : holy crap i can't believe this is happening

Jessica : Luke do something stop them

( Luke runs off to go help Monty who is getting attacked by a another player )

Luke : dude get the hell off of him

player: or what

Monty : it's OK Luke i'm fine

player : your lucky you friend is here Monty

Monty : what ever Dustin instead of fighting me call off your team

Dustin: bulldogs lets go

Monty: thanks Luke

( Luke takes Monty and sits down on the bench)

Luke: Monty what the hell was that all about why did he attack you

Monty : it's fine look i got to go i'll see you later

( Monty get's up and heads to the field to help the rest of the players up)

"the flashback ends "

Jake : i need to know

( Jake spots Cody )

Jake : hey Cody

Cody : oh hey whats up Jake

Jake : hey you know Dustin the captain of the bulldogs right ?

Cody : yea why

Jake : do you know where he hangs out at ?

Cody : yea at the gym across the street why ?

Jake : no reason just wondering thanks

Cody : your welcome gotta go later

Jake: bye

( Cody leaves Jake takes out his phone and text Luke and Jessica " meet me at the lunch tables during lunch OK i need to tell you guys something " )

Jake : i hope i'm wrong about this

( the bell rings Jake heads to class )

end of chapter four