Chapter 37

"Maximus? Why you look like that?", He said the moment he saw my haggard, tired and crying face, "Did you and Timothy fight?", I shook my head at look down

"Not only fight Father but argh I do not know Father, because I can not leave my duty in the church and I can not leave Timothy. I love both of them", Father asked me to sit and tap my shoulder.

"But which of them is heavier?", I shrug my shoulders, "I don't really know Father"

"You know Maximus, you are very happy that you are serving in the church and also when you are with Timothy what is your favorite bible verse?", Then he handed me the bible and I searched for that verse then I read,

"Owe no one anything, except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law;

Romans 13: 8"

"Do you know I have my own meaning there? That is the simplest explanation when your love for Timothy is real, the Lord is with you in your relationship. Let's say you are wrong but you know why I did not argue?"

I shook my head and his words finally lit my inner peace, "Of course you include God in your relationship. Even though many reject you, the Lord is still in front of you."

"So that means it's just one. Thank you Father, I'm going to Timothy right away", I hugged him and ran out of the church and my eyes widened at what I saw.

"Tantan?", And since he started playing his guitar, I already know that intro.

He bent down his right knee and took out the black box, "Bambi before we leave, I want to tell you this anniversary that you are the best blessing God has ever given to me, when you came to me, I promise Lord I will take care of you and I will love you and I want Him to be the center of our relationship. I'm not doing this to get you back to me but I'm doing this because I love you and .... "I hush him and I stood up he said, "Actually Tantan, my two choices are only one. Because the Lord is with us this is our relationship. So Tantan ....", I grabbed the ring box and I was on bended knee, "will you be my forever and ever boyfriend? ", the people around shouted and we both cried and hugged. We remove our old ring and put on our new ring.

"ILOVEYOU BAMBI, WOOOHHH I SAID YES GUYS, WE ARE TOGETHER AGAIN", I looked at Father and he smiled with tears of joy. Tantan caress my face and his lips landed on mine and the screams of the people grew louder and mama in turn consumed the contents of the tissue box.

He whispered onto my ear, "Let's get out of here", and he pulled me into the car. Kuya Renny and Manang Celine greeted us and mama stopped crying and then we drove off with Father and brother Jose.