Extra: What If? {Love}

What if Yandere Haruka liked someone else?


Some quick info. about this Extra chapter:

- There will be 3 short stories.

- It'll be jumping straight into the confession scenes, then the ending. Nothing else since I'm too lazy. What? You don't like that? Too bad! Think up the scenes leading up to the confession yourself! Or create a fanfic of it!

- All of the characters/capture targets are based and from the game, not the ones in the original novel or this fanfic. Though they will be written from my impression of the detail of the game characters, so they might not be too accurate. But this is a fanfic, so...

PS: No Akira or the Heart Stealing Reaper. Mostly because I don't know who's the hidden capture target, Akira is best friend ONLY, the Reaper will get his ending in the later normal chapters. Not because I'm too lazy to write one for those two.

- Yandere Haruka never cross dressing in these game worlds. So she's been a girl in the eyes of everyone! Or you can take her as a guy since it's written in first person, so the gender was actually never specified. You can choose if you're reading BG or BL. *Wink *Wink

- There's only one personality in these shorts, which is Yandere Haruka. The Original Haruka never existed, so Yandere Haruka is not restricted and much more... extreme to say the least.

- Some parts might not make sense. But this is an Extra so deal with it.

- Just as a warning, this extra will literally show the full yandere side of Yandere Haruka. So there will be some mess up shit. For example, r*pe, necrophile, and a few more. There will also be a little bit of snu snu. This is also femdom, obviously. It's a yandere protagonist! What did you expect? Just skip this Extra chapter if you're not comfortable with any of those.

I'll write some sweet sugar and dog food for the next Extra chapter to make up for this one.


I'm going to have to change the Warning Notice to Parents Strongly Cautioned (PG-13) don't I...

- Lastly, the type of yandere Yandere Haruka is. I'm revealing this since it will most likely never be revealed in the normal chapters.

Yandere Haruka is a yandere that's obsessed with 'love.' She's willing to do anything and become anyone as long as she gets 'love.'

Unfortunately, Yandere Haruka also somehow becomes a little stupid and crazy when it comes to 'love,' especially after she gets it.

By a little stupid, I mean that she'll try to give back the 'love' the same way she got the 'love.'

By crazy, I mean that she'll try to give back the 'love' THE SAME WAY she got the 'love.'

Yandere Haruka will try to do the same things, be attracted to the same things, love the same things, etc.

For example, let's use the Ryuu in this fanfic, because Ryuu is treating Yandere Haruka with gentleness, patience, love, etc., Yandere Haruka is also treating Ryuu the same way.

To sum it up, Yandere Haruka will treat the 'love' the same way she's treated, even if the original thoughts were hidden. So gentleness with gentleness, kindness with kindness, love with love, and pain with pain.

The Ryuu in this fanfic is a good lover, so Yandere Haruka is also a good lover. But for the capture targets in the game...



[My Impression: A violent, bossy boy. An angry little puppy.]

[Love: Obedience]

Ryuu grabbed my wrist and pulled me into an alleyway away from school, after school.

After walking far enough, he pushed me against the wall.

"What did you want?" Ryuu finally let go of my wrist and stepped back a little.

"W-Well, I-I-I-"

"Say it." He looked at me darkly.

I flinched back and didn't speak.

"Well?" Ryuu grabbed my shoulder and pushed me harder against the wall.

It hurts.

My eyes darken considerably.

"I-I-I like you!" I acted nervous and scared. My eyes teared up slightly from the pain.

Ryuu backed off and let me go.

"Is that all?" Ryuu sneered.

"Y-Yes!" I looked at him nervously. "Do-Do you accept?"

"Sure." He began to walk away.

"Wait!" I ran up and held the edge of Ryuu's clothes.

"What?" Ryuu turned back, looking impatient.

"Do you want to come to my house?" I looked at him expectantly.

He took a long look at me before answering.


We walked to my house. We entered the house. It was just the two of us.

Grandma was grocery shopping so she wasn't in the house.

"Now what do you-"

I knocked him out while he had his back towards me. I caught him in my arms. He was heavy, but it was fine.

I slowly carried him into my soundproof room. It costed a lot of money and time, but it was worth it.

I stripped Ryuu naked before putting him on my bed. I admired his body before tying him up.

I tied Ryuu's hands above his head, and his legs were tied in an upward position, revealing a certain place.

I started preparing.

After some time, Ryuu woke up.

He tried moving around but failed. He then started to look around confused until he saw me.

"You!" Ryuu angry, his face red from rage and humiliation.

"You woke up! Great! We can finally start now." I clapped my hands and smiled joyfully.

"What you think you're do-" Ryuu choked on his words when he saw me pick up a toy that's nearly the same size as his.

"Take a guess." I said as I lubricated the toy.

"You-You wouldn't dare!" Ryuu paled a little.

I didn't answer him as I walked next to him. I moved the toy closer and slowly pushed it to start entering Ryuu.

"It's training time, my little puppy."


"Come here." I told the naked boy with a collar on his neck.

He walked over on all four, before kneeling in front of me.

"Who are you?" I pulled on the leash that was connected to the collar, pulling the naked boy closer to me.

"I'm Master's pet! Ryuu!" Ryuu smiled brightly.

"That's right."

H3 i$ M|n3. mY Pu%pY F0r3&eR.

I rubbed his head and smiled back. Ryuu leaned closer to my hand, wanting me to rub him more. "And who do you love the most?"

"Master!" Ryuu said with no hesitation.

"You're such a good boy." I then held his cheeks with my hands and lifted his head up. I kissed him and then parted.

I looked right into his eyes, with insanity and obsession.

"I love you."



[My Impression: A cold, possessive teenager that loves to have control over everything.]

[Love: Control]

"I-I like you!"

I confessed to Tatsuya and he accepted.

After that, he led me to his house, into the basement.

There I see an exact replica in my room, and everything a person needed to live.


"I prepared it for you."

He led me to a collar that chained me to the basement.

He gave me everything I wanted in exchange for my freedom.

I accepted trade and started living happily.

Whenever he was gone from the basement, I used the computer he gave me to spy on him.

I hacked into everything and controlled everything. From his life, his friends, his company, everything that he does.

I made him rich. I made him famous. I made him a legend.

Unfortunately, this attracted some bees and butterflies. I had to ELIMINATE a lot of them.

Today, a butterfly touched Tatsuya.

$H3 @Nd h3R F@m1|y Ha$ N3vEr eX|$T3d.

It took some time, but it was worth it.

Tatsuya came to the basement tonight.

He walked straight towards me and picked me up. He walked to the bed and threw me on it. He pushed me hard onto the bed and kissed me fiercely.

"Will you stay with me forever?" Tatsuya looked at me with possessive eyes.

"Of course. After all..."

I kissed him back on the lips and then parted.

I looked right back at the puppet on my strings with insanity and obsession.

"I love you."



[My Impression: A fucked up bitch that's addicted to cute things, and loves to toy with the life and death of the said cute things.]

[Love: Cuteness]

"Well?" Yuu looked at me expectantly. "Will you be mine?"

"Will you be mine?" I looked back at him.

Yuu paused for a second, before saying. "Yes."

"Then I will be yours, and you will be mine." I smiled brightly.

Yuu smiled back. He then hugged me.

I hugged back.

I moved my hand up and took out the needle hidden in my sleeve.

I injected the needle right into Yuu's neck.

He pushed me back instantly, but it was too late.

He had a shocked expression on his face before he fainted. I ran up to catch him in my arms.

"I didn't want to knock you, but you're now mine. I don't want to see you running away." I held Yuu's face and kissed him on the forehead.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that." I reprimanded myself. I looked down with a guilty heart, before looking up with a smile again. "But you're mine now, so I can do whatever I want. You wouldn't blame me, right? Right."

I smiled brightly.

I stood up and picked Yuu up.

He's so light, and his sleeping face is so cute.

My eyes darken with possessiveness.

"I finally understand why you like cute things so much." I said to the sleeping boy.

Hearing no response, I didn't feel down at all.

I started walking towards the warehouse that I prepared a long time ago.

All the equipment that'll let me see this cute face forever is there.

Once I reached the warehouse, I unlocked it before locking it from the inside.

I can't have someone interrupt this after all.

I'v3 B3eN W@1t|Ng f0R Th1$ F*r T&0 |0nG.

I walked in farther into the warehouse until I saw a surgery table. I placed Yuu on it, then I started preparing.

The knife? Check.

The binds? Check.

The chemicals? Check.

The doll? Check.

Once I made sure everything was ready, I started.

I began stripping Yuu naked.

I took off everything.

Seeing Yuu's cute, naked body made me even more excited.

His cute soft skin. His cute silky hair. His cute unblemished legs. His two cute red dots. His cute small toes. Even his [Censored] was so cute.

It's all so cute. I can't believe how cute he is. Everywhere from top to bottom is so perfectly cute.

I calmed myself down.

I need to do this perfectly. I can't mess up.

After tying Yuu on the table, I picked up the surgery knife and moved closer to Yuu.

I slowly and steadily cut into his arm. I slowly started to cut off Yuu's skin.

"AHHH!" Yuu screamed awake. The pain woke him up.

"Good morning." I cheerfully replied.

"You- What are you- AHHH!" I cut deeper with the knife.

"Don't worry. What I'm doing is to help you." I continued cutting Yuu's skin.

"No! Stop!" Yuu yelled and screamed.

"I can't. This is for your own good." I was now finished with half of the arm.

"AHHH!" Yuu started to tear up, little bits of tears started flowing down his cute cheeks.

"Even when you cry you're so cute." I smiled and my eyes darken to the point of insanity.

"I promise I'll keep you cute."



"I finally got rid of them. Now those people can't interrupt us anymore."

I hugged Yuu tightly, feeling his soft, cold skin.

"Now we can stay together as long as we like."

I interlocked our hands together. I lifted them up by myself since Yuu couldn't do it.

"We can be happy now."

I looked at Yuu's eyes. They were lifeless.

"I lo-"

"Haru! Dinner's ready!"

"Yes, Grandma!"

I looked back at Yuu who hadn't moved an inch.

"I have to go now. I'll be back soon."

I moved closer to his face and kissed Yuu on his cold lips.

I parted and looked at him with insanity and obsession.

"I love you."