Ice Cream

Once we arrived, we crowded the shop. I felt sorry for the staff working there. They were suddenly bombarded by a squad of high schoolers in the middle of the week.

"What flavor do you want, Haru?" Yuu asked as he glanced through the menu.

"I'm fine with whatever. What about you, Ryuu?" I turned my head around.

"Vanilla." Ryuu replied immediately.

Vanilla, just like our love.

'How does that mean your love?'

Just like the tag in h*ntai.

'H*ntai? What's that?'


Does 'she' really not know? But we share memories though. I thought to myself. Or is 'she' just denying it?

'Why don't I remember it?'

Yep. 'She's just denying the memories of it. I confirmed to myself.

"Alright, get me vanilla too then." I smiled and looked back towards Yuu.

Yuu's mask cracked a little, but it was quickly repaired.

"Okay! Oh, while we're waiting~" Yuu dug through his bag. "You can have these!"

Yuu proudly held out a bag filled with the cookies previously mentioned.

I immediately cover my mouth with my hand and make a puking motion.

'... Wow. You really just did that.'

"What? You feel disgusted by them?" Yuu asked with a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

"No, it's not that." I shook my head. "I just don't want to see cookies. I want to puke every time I see them."

"Why?" Yuu's eyes brighten up a little before darkening again. "Is it because it's mine?"

"What? No!" Feeling the glares around me, I denied. "It's because I made too many cookies yesterday and I had to eat them all. I don't want to see any more of them."


"I see!" Yuu smiled brightly before it fell down again. "Who you made the cookies for, Haru?"

"What do you mean for who?" I had a confused look on my face. "I obviously made it for myself. Why else would I eat so much that I now feel disgusted by it?"

'I said I'm sorry!' T^T

"Oh, I see." Yuu smiled brightly again.

I quickly looked back and saw that Ryuu opened his mouth and was about to speak. I signal with my eyes to not say anything.

'That's not going to-'

Ryuu nodded and closed his mouth.

'Nevermind. I'm wrong apparently.'

I smiled and turned back to Yuu. He was still too happy to notice our little interaction.

'I thought he was supposed to be smart and aware?'

He probably didn't see that because he's too immersed in the fact that no one has eaten my cookies other than myself.

'Really? That's all?'

It's most likely added with the fact that I've been closer to everyone else but him, and that he's losing control of me.

'Thanks for the explanations~ And even saying it in a way to sound like you're talking to yourself.'

I hmph to myself in my mind.

'I love you~'

I blushed lightly but didn't answer.

'She' didn't mind and just hummed a cheery tone.

"What is it?" He emerged out of his cheerfulness and noticed my pink cheeks.

"Well, maybe you should give the cookies to your fans." I looked nervous and blushed a bit harder. "They're just staring at us. It's honestly a bit embarrassing."


"Alright then." Yuu was a little hesitant, but he gave up the cookies in the end.

While he gave them away, it was our turn to order. I ordered two vanilla ice cream with bowls.

I didn't order one for Yuu since he didn't tell me what he wanted.


Yuu came back right as the worker left to make the order.

"Why didn't you order for me?" Yuu pouted.

"Because you didn't tell me what you wanted." I shrugged. "Plus we saved you a spot."

"Fine, fine. I like chocolate. Remember that."

I nodded, not listening at all.


"Here you are." Two ice cream appeared before me.

"Thank you!" I smiled and took both of them.

"Wait for me!" Yuu said as I turned around.

"We'll be sitting at that seat." I pointed at an empty table near the wall. "Bye."

I waved goodbye and completely filtered out everything that followed.

"Here." I handed one of the ice creams to Ryuu as I walked towards the table.

"Thanks." Ryuu took the ice cream and smiled.

Just as we sat, I heard the bell jingle above the entrance. I glanced up and was surprised when I saw who it was.

"Oh, Haru! What a coincidence!" Akira spotted me after one quick scan of the store. He grinned as he walked over to us.

Right... A coincidence...

"What are you doing here Aki?" I asked.

"Well, after some practice, I thought getting some ice cream would be a nice break." Akira continued to look around the store. "I told a friend that I'd be getting some and found out that she was already here. So I told her to get me a strawberry ice cream. And there she is!"

Akira looked towards two girls that were walking over. One of them was the girl who I changed from before. The other wore glasses and I didn't know her.

The glasses girl was holding onto two strawberry ice creams, one in a bowl and the other in a cone, while the changed girl was holding a chocolate ice cream.

"Here! The strawberry ice cream you wanted." The glasses girl handed over the strawberry ice cream with the cone.

"Why did you get me the cone?" Akira took it with a sour face. "You know I prefer the ones with bowls."

"Beggars can't be choosers." The strawberry girl shrugged.

Looking at how close they are, it really looks like it was a coincidence.

Also, the voice sounded familiar too...

'It couldn't be...'

The glasses girl turned towards me and looked surprised, before smiling.

"You must be Suzuki-kun right?" She looked to my side and saw Ryuu. "And you must be Yamamoto-kun."

She tried her best to keep her tone steady and calm, but her eyes betrayed her.

I mean they are shining way too bright.

She is definitely the fujoshi I kept on hearing before.

'She definitely is.'

"Yep, and you must be?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Fujou Shitau. Nice to meet you." She smiled before pointing to the girl next to her. "And this is my best friend, Amai Ikari."

"H-Hello." Amai looked away, all shy and embarrassed.

"Hi again~" I grinned.

"You know each other?" Fujou asked.

"No, not really. We just meet each other during practice." I took a bite of my ice cream.

"I see." Fujou nodded.

"Both of you got vanilla, huh." Akira gave me a mischievous look. "Got any reasons why?"

"Of course." I answer in Japanese before continuing in English. "It's because Vanilla is the tag for our love in pervert."

Pervert sounds like h*ntai in Japanese.

Though I said it to everyone, it looks like only one of them could understand it.

If I have to guess, it would be because...

Ryuu's too dumb, Fujou probably only focused on fangirling at BL, and Amai is probably too busy being a fan to learn English.

Only Akira got it, though it took some time and a sacrifice.

He was sitting at the seat on the edge, Oh Oh Oh-ling and licking his ice cream after each one. Until the last one, where he understood everything.

He was licking his ice cream when he had a shocked expression on his face. He stood up and looked at me, then at Ryuu, then back at me.

"Are-Are you two really-"


A clear sound interrupting Akira. We looked towards the sound and found a lump of strawberry ice cream on the floor.

Looking back up, we found that it came from Akira's cone.

"NOOOOOO!" He got on his knees and cried.

The people around us looked at the commotion. After seeing what happened, nearly everyone had a sympathetic look.

"Cheer up. You can just buy another one." Fujou patted Akira's shoulder. Then she walked past him and sat down at our table, at the seat near the wall.

"Cheer up." Amai said, trying her best before sitting next to Fujou.

Meanwhile, Ryuu and I enjoyed our ice cream, just watching everything unfold.

"This is why I wanted bowls..." Akira sighed and stood up. He slowly walked over to the line. "I'll go line up."

While Akira waited in line, Yuu came over with his ice cream. It's not chocolate, but vanilla.

"Hey, what took you so long?" I asked Yuu.

"Well, first the machine for the chocolate broke so I had to choose another flavor." Yuu sat down. "Then the worker tripped and had to do my order again. Next, I was blocked by my fans, asking me about my cookies. Overall, it took really long."

"That's unfortunate." I said.

"It feels like the world is against me." Yuu pouted.

The world... Huh.

Now that I think about it, everything has been going great. Ryuu is now a cute puppy, Tatsuya is getting better, Yuu is slowly being ground away.

Everything is going smoothly. Is this plot armor?

'It feels like one that's for sure. It's pretty much plot armor.'

Really convenient plot armor.

'Super convenient.'