Extra: My Dream

So here's a weird yet interesting dream I had. It was sometimes in first-person view and other times in third person. It sometimes was like a game. It also had a surprisingly huge amount of details. It was really weird but made a really unique plot. It's also a BL story, though it honestly didn't matter much.

A quick reminder that while I was in the dream, everything felt natural and not like a, uh, dream I guess??? Also, I will be including my personal notes so keep that in mind while reading.

{The Dream}

[The Background]

So starting from the beginning, apparently I was/was playing as a transmigrator. For convenience sake, when it's in third person he'll be called MC. Lazy I know.

MC was a villain transmigration host. This was his first mission.

The protagonist was the ML, so he'll be referred to as ML from now on. Maybe I should stop reading VillainXHero BLs...

The setting was a huge mansion in medieval or modern times. MC and ML are in their teens.

So the plotline was that ML was reborn, and MC was the villain. ML in his previous life was, uh... He, uh, suffered? I don't remember.

Hey! Look! It's already good enough that I could remember everything else already okay!

How the story was supposed to go is just like the other reborn revenge novels. ML gets revenge, the villain is defeated, and ML gets a harem.

When MC transmigrated over, ML was just reborn too. MC did something on the first meeting that made ML question him and his motives. ML doesn't trust MC at all. ML is like a super dark and mistrustful dude. Basically every character that was reborn for revenge.

Also, did I mention that they live together in the same huge mansion? MC and ML aren't related at all, but they just live together. I don't know either. Maybe my dream was trying to save space?

Anyways, MC tried to be a villain but keeps on failing because he's an innocent and pure-hearted boy. And I'm semi-being/playing him LOL! Why I'm super pure and innocent~ ^-^

[The First Relic]

So here's a main plot point that I surprisingly remember really clearly for some reason.

ML got punished to stay in the woods for some reason. This was a plot point for the story because ML gets a relic there.

Relics are like things with powers and are magical. They are very rare and precious that only protagonists could get them. That's why no adults can find them at all.

The first one ML was supposed to get was a pond called "The World." I'm like 99% sure that it was influenced by tarot cards. I read about them in a novel that I'm currently reading.

So the relic was supposed to be attracted by ML's desire and protag aura. Unfortunately, he couldn't get it because of MC.

So here's what happened. MC was worried that ML would get hurt and decided to go into the woods too. It's dumb but you can't blame him. He's innocent and pure-hearted after all.

So MC walked on an asphalt road. He stopped right before entering the woods.

And guess what? It's first-person time! I was or was playing as MC. Remembering back to it, it sort of was like playing a game.

So there I was, on the asphalt road. I stood there for a few seconds until a dog, a golden retriever I think, appeared out of nowhere.

The dog walked up to me and I also walked closer to it too. I rubbed it on the head and the dog snuggled my hand. I can't recall the feeling as clearly anymore, but I know that it felt really nice to rub. It was so fluffy and comfy.

It felt wonderful. The best thing I've ever done.

The dog left my hand and started to walk into the woods after a few seconds. The best few seconds of my life. I think this might be the reason why I remember this part so well.

I followed the dog into the woods. But only after walking like 5 feet, I meet with a flat dirt ground that's around 4 by 2 meters. Now I'm sure that my dream was trying to save space. There were trees around, but only 2 next to the dirt ground.

The dog was next to and looking at a stick on the ground. Knowing what the dog wanted, I went over and picked up the stick.

I threw the stick, though not really far because my dream was saving space. The dog fetched it and brought it back to me.

I threw it the second and the dog went to fetch it again. But this time he stopped at the edge of the flat dirt ground.

I walked over and found that the stick was on the ground, in the center of the left tree's branches. Because It was in the branches, the dog couldn't get it. So I got it myself.

As I picked up the stick, it started to rain. I looked at the dog and it started to run. I ran after it.

The dog led me to a puddle of water on the asphalt road. I stood next to the puddle and the rain didn't land on me. In fact, an area around the puddle was completely rain-free!

It turns out that the puddle was in fact the pond, "The World!" People couldn't find it all this time because they were looking for a pond when actually the relic was only a puddle all along!

I'm sure you can find a moral in there somewhere.

So it went back to third person I think. MC returned home and the system berated him. ML also safely returned home. Then in MC's room, next to his bed, I found out what "The World" does.

So a gray game-like screen appeared in front of me. I think it might have gone back to first person. Anyways, the screen was split in half down the middle.

On the left side was a white patch of gauze and a pond/puddle. I have no clue about the gauze. The pond/puddle was selected and had a white glow.

On the right side had two sliders with text on top of each. One had Time and the other had Quality.

So apparently "The World"'s ability was to copy anything in the world. The Time slider determined the amount of time the copy was going to last, while the Quality one determined what percentage of the original's ability the copy had.

I'm pretty sure the ability was affected by the videos I've been watching. I've been binge-watching "Let's Game It Out" on Youtube, where in the games he played he had multiple of the same items.

And that's all I remembered for the first relic.

[The Second Relic]

Nothing. I remembered nothing about the second one. I just know there was a second one. It might be the white gauze, but not sure.

[The Third and Fourth Relic]

This one was a double.

So it begins by changing into a third person. Not only that, it turned into a 16-bit (Or was it 8?) game.

MC had 3 people following him for some reason. They might have been party members. Also, ML was at the mansion. He wasn't here.

The game was like an exploration game. There were rooms after rooms with doors. Starting from the left, MC traveled to the right room by room.

Near the end of the game, MC was able to jump over the wall and ignore the doors. Because roofs no longer exist. At this time, MC left behind the 3 people and sped ahead.

Also, there was a dark shadow assassin (pixelated too) near the end, attacking or maybe running away from MC. Can't remember.

At the end, there were two paths. A golden one going top and a dark black one going right.

MC chose the golden one and went up. Now it has stopped being pixelated.

What appeared was a golden pyramid and the Ancient Egyptian God of Death, Anubis.

So it went to first-person and Anubis had me play a roulette game. There were things and a jackpot. Anubis taunted me saying that no one has ever gotten the jackpot and that I wouldn't either.

I retaliate by saying wait and see. Also, I was sitting in a circle chair that could spin. And so I spun around.

Anubis spun the roulette and surprise surprise, I got the jackpot.

Anubis was shocked, but still gave me the reward for the jackpot. And the 'reward' was entering me into a game.

So another game-like screen appeared in front of me like I was playing a game. This part honestly felt like I was having an entirely different dream.

So the screen had 3 stats that looked like this:

Strength: - [0] +

Speed: - [0] +

Stamina: - [0] +

So I added one to strength and the 16 or 8-bit game started.

There was a red house on the left side of the screen. In the center was a human that I was playing as. On the right was where green enemies, goblins maybe, come out from.

The game started and the enemies spawned. I moved right and started attacking. I did jump kicks at the enemies' heads.

It stunned them and knocked them back slightly. I stayed in the air and continued to kick at the enemies. This might be influenced by Mario.

The game continued for a short time and I won. Anubis applused me and accepted me as his master.

He turned into a golden ankh and I placed it in my… inventory? Also, I don't remember the name it had, like the puddle's "The World". I don't think it even had one.

Then it went back to third person again. MC went back through the pathway he got here from. It turned back into the 16/8 bit game.

This time MC went through the dark, black path. Going through it. MC finds the assassin that attacked or ran from him.

MC finds out that the assassin was the temporary manifestation of the "Shadow Cloak." Its real body was a dark, black cloak. Not really surprising.

The cloak was trying to stop MC from coming to him.

MC tried to become its master but failed. This was because MC was pure and innocent. The cloak wanted a master that was dark, deep, wanted revenge, and like super blackened.

MC remembered about ML, yes he still exists. MC told the cloak that he'll bring it to a master that will fulfill his explanation. The cloak agreed and MC obtained "Shadow Cloak."

MC went back to the mansion and knocked on ML's room's door. ML answered and MC offered the cloak nervously. ML was and felt... something and reached out for the cloak.

ML was halfway before touching the cloak, when…

{The Dream Ended}

Yep, that's all. That's where the dream ended. It was really an unsatisfying end. But then again, that's how all dreams end. The plot was certainly… unique.

Maybe I should expand this world and write out a proper story? Oh well.

I also have similar kinds of dreams to this one once in a while. Maybe I should record them down? But usually, they're much shorter than this dream.

I'll just record the date I had this dream for now.

[Date: March 5, 2021. ~4 PM - ~10 PM. GMT-5]

Yes, I slept in the afternoon. I was only trying to take a short nap.

Yes, I know I slept for 6 hours. Idk either.

Yes, I know this showed a possible sleeping problem. But don't worry. I had a 6-5 hour sleep the day before. It's fine. At least I'm not only sleeping for 4, 3, or even 2 hours.


So I wrote the relic dream down the day and the next morning I had it. The date I finished writing the dream was March 6. This update is also on March 6.

So after I finished writing the dream, I took another nap at ~4:30 PM. And it lasted for 4 hours and ended at ~8:30 PM.

I had only 4 hours of sleep the night prior because I wanted to stay up a little longer. Not to mention that I already had a 6-hour 'nap'.

It's fine, I don't have a problem. I usually get a healthy amount of sleep every weekday. It's only on Friday and Saturday that I stay up longer.

Anyways, enough about my sleeping schedule. So I had another weird dream. Since I already had this, might as well add this second dream too.

{The Second Dream}

This one was pure first-person and was just me. The dream was sort of a zombie apocalypse one. It's much shorter than the last one. I'll also just shorten it down more because it's not as interesting as the last one.

So this one began with me wearing a black shirt, pants, and coat. It was like I was afraid of the cold. Even though I was standing in the blazing fucking sun.

So I was in some sort of desert for some reason. My family was there with other people. Some were old people and some were children. Maybe there were adults and teens, but not many.

They were in a camp and were organizing stuff. There were suitcases and boxes. There was also a wardrobe that was just off to the side of the 'camp.'

There was nothing else in the world. Just a camp, wardrobe, and endless desert. My dream was saving space again.

Anyways, I talked to the group for some time. I mostly talked to my brother. As for the content, I can't remember about them.

After some time, I suggest to the group to maybe store any winter clothes in the wardrobe. At this point, I actually started to feel hot from the coat.

Also, the coat 'upgraded' into a winter one. The ones with fluffy fur around the neck and hoodie.

So I walked over to the wardrobe with my mother and aunt that appeared out of nowhere.

I told them what to store in Chinese for some reason. Probably because I know my mom isn't the best at English. Yes, I'm Asian. Surprise!

And then I mispronounced wool and cotton in Chinese. My aunt jokingly mocked me and walked away with my mother.

My brother came to me and we talked again. I was still wearing the winter coat.

Then he left and I checked out the wardrobe. It was bigger than it looked from the outside. It was filled with clothes.

I noticed a little plastic pig toy that was hanging from a string. I think it was a pig because my brother was born in the year of the pig. My subconscious influences my dreams quite a lot.

I went to grab it with a string I got out of nowhere. The string was made into a circle to pull the pig toy down.

The moment I got it, a game screen popped up. It had the pig on the left side and descriptions on the right. I don't remember them though.

I exited the wardrobe and saw my brother outside. Then suddenly zombies were attacking! It was triggered by the pig toy! Just like a game mechanic!

My brother ran away to the camp, while I went inside the wardrobe. The inside was much smaller than before and barely had the room to fit me.

I held onto the doorknob for dear life. Yes, the wardrobe door changed into a normal door.

After a few seconds, I felt that the zombies were going to get in at any time now. The door was weakening.

Guess what I did. I turned into a ghost! Well, it's more like I got the ability to phase in and out of physical objects.

I escaped and left the camp. I left everyone to die. But not everyone apparently.

I returned home and saw my family there. We went in our car and drove somewhere. My mother wasn't there for some reason.

After we reached the destination, I met my mother, walking to us with a random teenager that I've never seen before.

We talked then debated where to stay. We pondered if we should stay home, but it would be too boring since the internet was out. This is still a zombie apocalypse. Well, a really relaxed one.

Then the dream ended. Well, it didn't really end, but I can't remember anything else. I think I might have wondered around a city as a ghost?

Also, the ghost thing, or rather the ability of phasing, is actually a really common dream thing for me.

{How I Dream/My Dreaming Powers}

It's because I'm a lucid dreamer. At least I'm pretty sure I'm at least a semi-lucid dreamer.

I say semi because I can only control the dream when I'm in a half-awake half-asleep mode. It's where I'm awake and aware that I'm dreaming, but I force myself to continue dreaming.

The problem with this is that the dream usually gets more chaotic as I tried to change it more and more. Then the dream just completely ends and I just fully wake up.

Sometimes if I'm lucky, I go back to dreaming and fall asleep again. This is what happened with this zombie dream.

Usually, I get to control the dream when I'm about to wake up or when I get really scared. The controlling for the first one makes the dream end quicker and I become more awake.

The second one has two endings. The first is where I tried to run away from the thing that scares me usually by teleporting. Because I just get that ability.

I actually get the teleporting ability when the dream is outside in a huge area. Sometimes I still get it indoors. I basically select a place with my mind and instantly teleport.

I get phasing ability when I'm trapped in a small place. Like the wardrobe in the zombie dream.

If you're saying that it's dumb to get scared by that, remember that when I'm dreaming, I'd think that the dream is the real world. So it'll be like I'll really die.

... Maybe it's a bit silly.

Anyways, I got really panicked and subconsciously gave myself the phasing ability. The phasing usually takes some time to power up, before I phase through the small space I'm in to another area.

Back to the first ending, the scary thing will slowly catch up to me. I panicked more and more and my heart also beat faster and faster. I could also hear the heartbeat which was just great.

Then I just force myself to wake up since I'm aware that I'm dreaming. Then that's that. I remember the content of the dream for a short while before forgetting about it.

I only wrote down the relic dream and zombie dream because the first was really interesting and the second because I had another dream back to back.

So the second ending of 'Scared' is the worst for me. I'll try to run away again. But this time, I don't have the ability to just leave the dream.

I eventually get caught by the scary thing and then wake up panting. I'll recall the content then also forget about it.

I also have the ability to travel back in time when I'm in the half-awake half-asleep mode. It usually has to be a good dream or I'm close to waking up though.

So the time ability gives me the power to just go back to a point I want. I could then change the outcome and change the dream.

But sometimes it doesn't work and goes back to the original direction. It also speeds up the process of waking up because it might make things more chaotic.

And that's all I think. Wow, I got way too detailed about how I dream. This was probably information you really didn't need to know. Oh well.

Have fun knowing this now. Bye~

This might be the longest chapter ever at 3395 words. I'm never typing that much into one single chapter ever again.