Chapter 12

So Pauls uncle called Charlie's grandparents.

"Hello, its Paul's uncle, I was wondering did Charlie's principal, called today and say what happened," said Paul's Uncle.

"Yes, sir, he told us what happened today at school," said the Grandfather.

"So what do we need to do, to get these kids on the same page, they are so much alike, they have no idea," said Paul's uncle.

"I know, we can make them do a quest where they go out for a night and spend time with each other and get to know each other a little better, maybe it will give them peace and closure of what took place that was told to them," said the Grandfather.

"Yes so when would you like to do that?" asked Paul's uncle.

"How about Friday night," said the Grandfather.

"Sounds good, I will tell Paul when he gets in from riding, and we will swing by Friday night," said Paul's uncle.

"Okay I will see you then," said Grandfather.

"Okay, bye," said Paul's uncle.

"Who was that darling?" asked Grandmother.

"It was Paul's uncle, he wants them both to go a quest Friday night to try and kindle their friendship and make peace with each other," said Grandfather.

"I think that is a great idea," said Grandmother.

"Where is Charlie?" asked Grandfather.

"In his room doing homework he is still upset about this whole thing, he just wants to be Paul's friend," said Grandmother.

"I know, I'll tell him the news," said Grandfather.

So the Grandfather walked up to his room and knocked on the door.

"Come in," said Charlie.

"Doing your homework?" asked Grandfather.

"Yes," said Charlie.

"May I stop you for a minute to talk to you?" asked Grandfather.

"Sure you can," said Charlie putting his pen down.

"I talked with Paul's uncle on the phone just a minute ago, we are going to put you both on a quest, Friday night, we are going to drop you off and you guys are going to be alone for one night and then in then in the morning we will come back and get you, this is for both of you. Especially for Paul, he needs to come to terms, that you both suffered," said Grandfather.

"Okay, I understand, I hope it will kindle our relationship as friends, I hope he comes to terms and peace in his heart," said Charlie.

"Me too grandson, me to," said Grandfather.

"It is settled then," said Grandfather walking out of Charlie's room. Charlie went back to doing his homework.

Back in Pauls's place, Paul comes walking in.

"Hey how was the ride?" asked Paul's uncle.

"It was okay," said Paul.

"Hey, sit down for a bit, I need to talk to you, for a bit," said Paul's uncle.

"Okay," said Paul.

"Charlie's Grandfather and I talked on the phone today, and we both have decided to put both of you on a quest Friday night," said Paul's uncle.

"What, why," angered Paul.

"You need it Paul, and so does he, you both are alike even though you may not see it Paul, but you are, you both suffered tragically at the same time, you both were taken away and brought back, and now it's time to put the past in the past and leave it there, stop blaming it on Charlie you and him both had nothing to do with what happened, this is a time for you two to kindle your friendship and be at peace with each other, you two are still learning the ways here on the reservation," said Paul's uncle.

Paul did not say anything, he just looked at the floor, he was not too pleased but deep down in the cold hardened heart of his, he knew he had to do it. So he got up and went into his room and his uncle went back to work on the radio.

Back at Charlie's house Charlie finished his homework and put his pen down and walked towards the window and stared out. He was thinking what would happen to them if they did go on there quest, would Paul try to beat him since nobody is going to be there with them just them too. Or would Paul come to the understanding of friendship and putting the past behind him. All these things were going through Charlie's head.

"He is going to use that time to beat me up," said Charlie.

So Charlie went to the kitchen to eat dinner before they went to sleep.

"So are you are for tomorrow night?" asked Grandmother.

"Not really, I'm worried about this whole thing," said Charlie.

"You are, why?" asked Grandfather.

"I'm worried that Paul might try to beat me up or hurt me since nobody is going to be there, it's just going to be us," said Charlie.

"You don't need to worry about that, remember he is just now learning our ways, and I've taken you up there before and showed you around and the caves, he has not been there before, so he has no idea what is there, so I don't think he will try anything since he needs you to help him, because he has never been in that area before," said Grandfather.

"I hope you are right Grandfather," said Charlie.

"Don't worry about it, clear mind and you will be alright," said Grandmother.

"Okay," said Charlie finishing up eating his dinner.

So they went to bed. The next morning, Charlie was up with his Grandfather and started feeding the horses and Grandmother was cooking breakfast. Amitola started walking up the driveway.

"Morning Charlie," said Amitola.

"Morning, how are you doing," said Charlie.

"Good, how about yourself?" asked Amitola.

"Good, I herd what is going to happen tonight," said Amitola.

"I know," said Charlie.

"Are you worried?" asked Amitola.

"A little," said Charlie.

"Remember grandson, clear your mind," said Grandfather.

"Yes sir," said Charlie going back to feeding the horses.

"Will you join us for breakfast?" asked Grandfather.

"Sure, thank you," said Amitola.

Amitola walks inside and helps Grandmother set the table and get breakfast ready. Charlie and Grandfather walk up to the house and walks inside.

"Don't forget to wash your hands," said Grandmother.

Grandfather and Charlie washed there hands at the sink and sat down at the table and started eating.

At Paul's house, they two were sitting at the table eating dinner.

"So are you ready," said Paul's uncle.

"No, I don't know why I have to go on this stupid trip," said Paul.

"It is for you and Charlie both, to come together to work as a team and to look after one another, to kindle your friendship, you both are kids like ash and flame, you both come from the same fire," said Paul's uncle.

Paul just rolled his eyes. When it was starting to get dark, Paul and his uncle got in the truck and drove to Charlie's place.

They all go into the pickup and drove off.