Around 9:30, Kody woke me up, luckily he did because I did not set an alarm for today. Sometimes, I'm irresponsible, well most of the times.
"Dude wake up." Kody said as he was trying to shake me, "We need to leave for today."
"Okay², easy." I replied in a raspy tone as I lift the blanket, "I'm wide awake."
He was already dressed and was holding a bowl of cereal, "Is that for me?" I asked as I stood up walking towards my luggage, "If it is for me, thank you."
He backs away, protecting the cereal, "No way Jose." He replied as he ate it, "This isn't for you, it's for my tummy."
I draped my towel over my shoulder, "I can tell," I replied as I pointed at him, "you are one greedy dwarf."
"Get your own cereal," he said as he left the room, munching, "I ain't a dwarf, I have a cute height."
"Yeah, whatever." I replied as I entered the bathroom to wash my face, trying to keep my face fresh and hydrated.
My toes always flinch as soon as I touch the ceramic floor, why are floors always cold??
Anyways, I'm gonna stop questioning it as long as I got something to step on, I'm good to go, probably it's cold cause I am too.
I hanged my towel on the towel rail to keep it dry and sanitized whilst I wash my face.
I moved to the basin, turning the tap on, the pellucid water gushing out, then placed my hands under it, trying to catch some of the water, performing my ablutions.
After freshening up, I grabbed my towel on my way out of the bathroom, walked over to my luggage, picking out my outfit.
For my OOTD, it's a semi-formal attire, I am always a fan of that dress code, my grandad was the first one to introduce it to me when I was around 15 years old, I don't hate the other styles, but semi-formal attires always grab my attention.
• Panama Hat
• Black long sleeve polo
• Grey Slacks
• White Loafers
I put on the outfit I picked out, then sprayed myself with perfume, folded my towel and my used clothes, placed it in my luggage and then zipped it up.
I grabbed my messenger bag and luggage on my way out of the room, going down stairs.
"Finally, you're done." Kody said, "Now let's go, we got to hit the road."
"Take this to the car," I replied as I gave the luggage to him, "I'll talk to Aunt Audrey for a minute."
"Sure, but hurry up." He replied as he went out of the door, going towards a car.
I nodded and tried to find Aunt Audrey, she was out on her garden, watering her plants.
"Morning, auntie." I said, approaching her.
"Morning too," she replied as she put down the hose, "Are you leaving now?"
"Yes, I came here to talk." I said, "Where is Uncle Fred? Haven't seen him."
"Fetching clothes for Franco," she replied as she walks back inside the house, "Last night he was fast asleep."
"That boy rarely comes home," she added as she grasped a box of brownies, "Have some of this, it's homemade."
She hands the brownies to me, with just the smell of it I could already tell it's gonna be so delicious.
They don't own a pastry, they just bake from home and take orders around the village, a way for them to earn money for a living.
"Wow, thank you so much." I said as I gave her a hug, "I'll be going now."
"Let me accompany you," she replied as she walked me out of the house, "Drive safe."
"We will." I assured her, as I turned to Kody who was on his phone, smiling.
I hugged Aunt Audrey once more, and then walked towards a car that Kody might have rented out.
"What are you smiling at?" I said, trying to scare him. He quickly turned his phone off and dropped it on the floor.
"No-nothing..doraemon stuff," he stuttered as he reached for his phone.
"Okay, nothing to worry about." I replied as I sit on the passenger seat, "Hit the road."
Kody turned the car on, driving off towards the main exit, we waved at the guards as we passed by the guardhouse, on our way out.
"What's that?" He asked, "Is that for me?"
I laughed, "You wish." I replied, "It's called brownies and this is for me."
He pouted, "Meanie," he said, "sounds like that's a payback for what I did earlier."
"You bet it is." I replied, rolling my sleeves up and ate one brownie.
We are heading towards Manila, since that's the location of our dorm and university, it is a 30 minute drive via Rail Road 3 and Carlos P. Garcia Avenue.
We study in McKinley University: Home In The Meadow, the school itself is surrounded by a meadow, it's refreshing to look at from the rooftop, it's like a stress reliever for all the students.
There's a bit of traffic jam, but we were able to manage it, while were in the middle of a streaming traffic, Kody turned the car stereo on, one of the songs I composed 2 years ago was played.
"IT'S YOUR SONG!!" He beamed, looking at me with excitement, "THIS IS SO DOPE!"
"Wow, I never thought it would reach this far," I said as I turned the volume up, "It has been 2 years since I posted this."
"That's called pure talent." He replied, "Your talking and singing voice are very different."
"Yeah I know." I said as I turned the volume down, "that's why people don't notice me."
"What's the song title again?" He asked, "I'm downloading it on Spotify."
"It's entitled 'If You Met Me First." I replied as I ate another brownie, "That's about my non-existent lovelife."
"Who hurt you?" He asked, "The title hits so different."
"No one did." I replied, "It's a character on my mind."
"You got a relatable imagination." He said as he stepped on the pedal and hanged a right.
I composed "If You Met Me First" 2 years ago and it is about not crossing the line, end up regetting it, realizing that you're already too late cause the love of your life had fallen for someone else.
If you are interested in someone, make some efforts, if he/she isn't acknowledging it, then it's time to stop.
All that's left to do is to confess your feelings and risking everything that is in your heart.
It's not your fault if you got rejected or that you weren't enough in their eyes, you lost someone who didn't appreciate your efforts, presence and feelings, eventually you will stumble across someone who will love you for who you are and will not have doubts on you.
Don't rush everything, things will fall into place, it might not end up the way you have anticipated it to be, trust the process.