Mr. Kurakot, I'll call him that for now since I don't know his name, and he acts like one.
I may not know him, but I can tell that he is really a dog in the manger, annoying, nosy, and is probably a public nuisance.
Call me judgemental, but if you saw him for yourself, your blood would boil.
Hope to not see him ever again because he's such a burden, and can ruin a day.
After that nuisance encounter, I pushed my cart going to the ramen aisle. As I was about to take a right turn, I saw Franco out of the corner of my eye.
He was standing right next to a girl, picking out fruits and vegetables, I've never seen the girl before, not even in school.
They both smiled at each other, enjoying the company they have. It's like they've known each other for a long time, and it feels good to be back in each other's arms again.
The kind of connection I wanted to have for once, but never did because I don't deserve him and everything else he has.
As much as I tried holding it in, the pain just came out like an uproar from my throat in the form of a silent scream.
The beads of water started falling down one after another, with no signs of stopping.
I quickly got out of their sight before I make controversies in a store, don't want to create drama and nuisance.
The muffled sobs wracked against my chest, my sight and hearing suddenly blurred. The muscles in my chin trembled like a child.
My lips trembled too, could not even get a few words out, the sadness drove me down to my knees, it felt like I was helpless.
It's just so much pain when a person has the audacity to replace you after years of giving love and support.
I would sleep at night, thinking about why am I not enough in the eyes of the people I dearly loved.
It's even harder cause you don't know the answers to those questions running in your mind.
The more I think about it, the more I drown in my thoughts, with no one rescuing me.
One question that never leaves my mind is..
Why do people leave me like I'm just a piece of junk?
I honestly don't know too..
Maybe I deserve to be treated like this..
Maybe getting hurt will always be the fate I meet.
You'd probably describe me as a fool cause I always take risks even if I know the results.
I always end up getting hurt because it is so incredible that I have so much love to give.
The kind of love I can consistently give until I have nothing left for myself.
Until I get drained and useless..
Until I'm ready to leave everything behind...
The memories...