Wizardian Werewolves???

Dia's POV

            "How could you just touch me like that?" I screamed  and he also said "sorry" but I couldn't control my anger I felt my body was changing.but,Unexpectedly I calmed down as the door of the washroom blasted and came towards me but,Phoenix came and stood between me and the door to cover me.Then he throw the door away and I saw Miss.Bridget was standing at the entry of the washroom.


              "You are an alpha,don't you? That's how you could recover that easily even after injured by me" she asked.Then Phoenix said  "Oops ,don't get misunderstandings.I am just the heir yet.but,I got recover from the first movement.but,the real problem is how could you recover that easily?"He asked from me while looking at me in a curious way.

               I just look at Miss.Bridget as his look brought an uneasy to me and just realize that this whole thing was a big mess to her.So,I looked at Phoenix in a baby look and just asked him"you said me you know a person who knows about all these things?Then,who is um.... he or she?"Then he just put his hand around my shoulder

           "My mom.She knows everything so,if you two could come to my home.You would be able to clear the spots which are unclear in this story" He told us.Then I get away from him and "you caused all these troubles so,it would be better if you gave us the transport facilities" said looking at Miss.Bridget knowing that she will say yes as this is FREE."of course. Transport is from me.You guys don't want to be worry about it." He smiled and took his phone and went away from the wash room while calling to someone.

               Then Miss.Bridget crashed my hand while looking at me like I am crazy.So,I told about her how I shifted bodies with Phoenix.I didn't told her about the spooky-touchy thing as I didn't want her to be more upset.After 4 or 5 minutes Phoenix came and said "Girls, your vehicle has arrived so,it's time to go." while taking my hand,I wanted to get my hand back but he was stronger than me so,I stopped and told him to let go of my hand but,instead he just pulled me to him and whispered that "we better act like lovers.That granny is thinking I am blackmailing you so,it would be better if we continue our acting." to my ears while giving a kiss to my cheek.I was shocked from his actions.I mean we  have acting for two or three years as lovers but,until today he even hasn't touched my hand.but,It wasn't the most surprise! How can a boy who acts as a fake boyfriend for a small salary like $20 have a Rolls Royce car with a driver?but,I wasn't in a situation to get surprised from these things.He just opened the door for me and asked me to get in and I was expecting Miss.Bridget to came near to me but, instead he just sit near me and Miss.Bridget went to the front seat.

Until we get in to his home everything were just normal.but,his house!! It was a palace actually!! The greatest palace I have ever seen.(okok I know I haven't seen a palace before but,it doesn't count)

It was really big and beautiful. but,the most uneasy thing for me was why a prince( as he was a heir of a pack he counts as a prince actually to a Wolf prince.)

                When we get into his house he releases my hand.(I was happy because of it not sad at all) All the people were there started to pay gratitude towards him by saluting to him.However while we were walking a beautiful woman came to in front of us.I think she was his mother as their eyes were so much alike. "Why didn't you come home early?are you planning to let your beta to run the pack even after you finish your studies?"  she asked from Phoenix in a rude but, in a royal way. Then I got it, if she was the mother of Phoenix it means she is the queen of this palace but,I started to felt an unclearance about her.I knew I was wrong but,I didn't feel she was a luna.There is no way that I could knew about these things even after I haven't been with werewolves since I was small.but,I didn't felt she is a luna.


However Phoenix just said"If I want I will,but you don't need to worry about it." and started to go towards a room ignoring his own mother!In that room a woman with grey eyes was siting while looking away from the window. Phoenix just went near to her and said,"I came home. Mom" I was confused.I knew she wasn't his mom.Then why is he saying mom to someone else? Doesn't matter. Why would I think about all these things .I came here because of a specific thing so,it would be better to not think about him anymore.

                  "Mom ,this is Dia." he introduced me to his mom(whatever) and said what happened. Then that woman stood up.So,I could see  her clearly.She was nice but,I felt she wasn't good.I didn't know why.but, I knew I felt like that.However then she opened a door on the floor and askdd us to follow her.

When we entered to it.We saw an old man.He was meditating.but,when we entered he just said "I am glad!! at last moon goddess has heard me.I was willing to see you.The most dreadful and the powerful Luna that going to lead the werewolf territory.  Diana Radolf at last you came home"

           He looked me in eyes and I knew for what.(Don't be hard on me ,I really don't know How I knew) I just knew he asked me to come to near him.So,I did.When I went he again sinked into my eyes."Do you want to here,who are you?" he asked from me and I just wanted to scream"No"and ran away but I just said,"Yes" calmly.(Just don't think that someone just controlled me ok?Don't be so much silly as much as me) "Then heard,little girl" he said,while starting this whole story.

          "Every body know the werewolves legends have spread far older nearly till 2100 BC but,the most magical creatures combined with werewolf blood started to show up.There were so many sorts like vamwolves but the most powerful sort were wizardian-werwolves.The first wizardian-wolf was showed up during the ancient greek time. A wizardian-wolf was born as million for one and as everyone know this boy,Phoenix is also a wizardian-wolf as his father or the alpha of this Royal-Blood wolf pack was a werewolf and his mother is a witch.There are so many great things which you can do if you're a wizardian-wolf but, to do all these things or to activate all these powers a werewolf has his own ways and in this case ,the power of  this boy,Phoenix has activated by the luna part of you.Diana Radolf. "

               "Of course no" I shouted." I am not a luna, so how could it..." "Don't worry girl" the old man said while interrupting my sentence. "Please let me finish my story." So I just sitted where I was.

               "As I was saying this girl was surely not a luna when she woked up today.We all know that luna power is not descending by blood as Alpha powers do but,just came to a she-wolf by the bless of the moon goddess.but,in here it wasn't from Moon goddess even though it was done by the allowance of Moon goddess. "

         "How could it be?"Phoenix said. Then the old man gave an awesome answer to him."shut up.bastard boy.Only the great luna can disturb me bit,not someone as you" Then without considering Phoenix's question for a penny he just continued his story.

              "However even this bastard is a wizardian-wolf as he is also a heir as his father died without making a baby with his luna we had to rise he as the heir.but, as an alpha needs both parts of alpha and luna we had to transplant this luna Braina's luna part to this boy by magic while muting his Wizardian part.but,unfortunately when he kissed this destanied girl his transplanted luna part transplanted on hers and his Wizardian powers activated.And except other powers these wizardian-wolves get another unique power.It is when he kissed someone then he could change bodies with that person and also if someone kissed him he could control that person's body" after saying that he stopped the story.


          "Then that's whole huh? Cannot I do anything except this fucking kissing thingy?"Phoenix asked from the old man directly withour any fear.

           "If you want to know the wizardian-wolf's powers there are mainly three.first the thing that you said as fucking-kissing,second-you will be able to do both spells owned by wizards and werewolves and the third ,you will be greatest among all the other wizards and werewolves except for this Diana Randolf.And also there would be a weak point too.Your bond to your mate will loosen as you're a wizardian-wolf as same as hers.Nothing matters whether she lives qith you or maybe you two would love for each other but,until the Moon goddess decides you won't be able to find her"It seems like Phoenix has got tamed from what the old man said at last.

I just didn't get it.If they love each other then,how could they just don't know that they are mates?