Sleeping with him

Phoenix's POV


After the queen caught me and Dia together on the bed, Before I do anything the queen smiled like she has waited for this instance from a long time . "I really happy for you, my son. You have betrayed her now on your own" she said while closing the door. I rushed and get off from the bed and tried to open the door but, it was closed tightly by the queen. Dia looked surprised too but, looked like she couldn't understand the situation but, any of these things didn't bother me.

The most unbearable thing to me was her.My mate, my first love. I started to felt like I betrayed her again as the queen said. I started to felt a big pain inside my heart. I rushed and tried to open the door to the tunnel path but, I couldn't. She has locked it too. I started to felt like my body is burning, my cuts on the stomach started to be painful again. I didn't want to stay here right now but as there was nothing I can do, I take off my shirt and put all the things of its pockets on to the table. They were just a card pack and a torch.

I put the shirt on the floor to sleep on it but, immediately Dia came and said, "you don't want to sleep on the floor,I can sleep on the floor so, you can sleep on the bed." while evading my eye contact. "Do you think , the queen saw us because of you? Hey, it isn't." I said to her to console her. "Hey, don't you want to sleep ?" I asked from her while getting the card pack from the table.

"Why?" Dia asked and I said, "If you don't want to sleep now, let's play truth or dare again." as I wanted to forget everything about my mate. We started to play and it helped us to be normal but, only untill the 8th round. In the 8th round Dia win and she asked, "Ok, I 'll tell the both truth and dare and you have to choose among them. Ok if you choose truth , tell me About whom that the queen said? and if you choose dare Sleep with me." while smiling.

She knew that I will do anything except sleeping with her but, this time I have no choice left. I got her into my arms( a bridal carry) and put her on the bed. "Then, tell me who is she?" Dia asked and without answering I get on to thd bed from the other side. Her mouth opened and looked away. "I am sorry, I shouldn't have asked" she told. I just told, "It's ok" in an empty way.

She didn't say anything and I tried my hard to not to think about Dia. I really want to stop this but, even though knowing who is my mate, why am I fallen for someone else? I wanted to stop think about Dia. I shouldn't love her. It only will cause a pain to her and from my entire heart I knew that, I won't do anything to hurt her AGAIN

Dia's POV

          I woke up and my stomach, head and every organ started to hurt. I wanted to wake up but, I couldn't. I started to felt like my head is gonna crash so, I just tried to turn aside and sleep but, no !!!! I screamed!!!! What did I see? Phoenix is on the other side. It means actually... We have slept in the same bed yesterday!!!!!!! I rushed and ran to the washroom.

I tried to remember what happened yesterday but, I couldn't!!!!!! I can't remember anything happened yesterday. What would have happened? Oh, no,no, no, just stop thinking about those creepy things. I hit my forehead and I just vomited. When I came out from the washroom Phoenix was also woke up and he was sitting on the bed while smiling. "Hi! Dia! Good morning!" He said but, I knew it. He isn't in a good mood and I remove the creepy thought from my head. ( If we did something like that, he should be in a great mood and should be in fresh but, he wasn't) I knew something has happened yesterday but, I decided to not to ask from him now.

So, I went to the dressing room and came out wearing my maid uniform and still he was on my bed thinking about something. I wanted to act like I haven't forgotten anything so, I asked, "Aren't you going to your room?" but, I got it, he understood that there is a problem with me. Then, he get off from the bed and asked from me, "Have you forgotten about our last night?" while coming towards me.

"What? Huh? How can I just forgot things?" I said in a funny way but, I couldn't catch him. He came forward (towards me) and I started to go backwards. "Are you sure?" He said and I knew it! He knew that I have forgotten. but, without showing any changes in the face I started to run around the room while saying "Definitely yes" and he also started to run after me to catch me. We started to play like little kids but, he couldn't catch me that easily.

However, at last he able to imprison me between him and a wall. Then he came close to me while putting his hand on the wall while, pressing me to the wall.(Just imagine an innocent girl between a rude boy and a stupid wall. Nothing less or nothing more).

He captured my hand so, I won't get a chance to run away. He put one leg on the couch and looked at me in a hard way . I just smiled like a foolish to evade his eyes but, he didn't let me.I saw myself in his green colour eyes and I felt like these green colour eyes are going to swallow me.

So, I just kick to his free leg ( because I don't want to hit it, you know to what) and tried to get away but, it just worsen the situation. As he lost his balance he just fall over while capturing my hand tightly.Yes, you got it! I also fell over him and I feltmy lips touched his almond tasted dry lips. oops..... another accident kiss!!!! Why, all these things happened to me??? but, I just relaxed. Nothing more than this could ever happened. But, I was too wrong.

At the movement, the door opened and the QUEEN came to the room. I just stood up and see that it wasn't only she. She was with beta, luna, grandmom and all the maids including Maria. I rushed and stood up. "You guys weren't sure right? Now you can see by your own eyes." The queen said and Phoenix got up too. He was only wearing a trouser.

Actually till now, I didn't think about it much but, it seemed like others are too worried about our clothes and Phoenix suddenly came in front of me while covering me from others. I couldn't understand why, Is it because my clothes were not too much tidy? However , I tried to make my clothes by hand but, Then, I understood. The top button on my top ( my blouse) has loosen. I tight it correctly.

Then the queen said, " As I said, a big party should be held to welcome the new queen " while smiling. Others faces were like so much, depressed except Maria and Grandmom. Luna or Phoenix's fake mom ran away while crying. " I won't come" Phoenix said while trying to get away from my room. "Oh then, I can't let you go either" the queen said suddenly and she closed the door.

"You can't do this.Open this door!!!" Phoenix started to yell. I couldn't understand what is going on. So,I asked "What is going on?" from Phoenix and his angry face just changed into a big smile. "Then, you have forgotten everything" he asked me in a funny way but, this wasn't a time to joke. I asked him about what happened yesterday straightly .It was the greatest mistake I have ever done!!!!!! However I accidentally looked on his lips but, it was just an accident right.

I focused on the story. He told me about everything began from, the stupid things I said during our way back to the his home and how I cried like a baby when my head striked on the door. When I got to realize that I have asked from Phoenix to sleep with me, I should started to feel like I'm burning and I wanted to bury myself by my own but, I didn't. However, I felt he is hiding something from me. He told me that, I have asked for him to tell about his girlfriend or sleep with me but, I knew him. (Just a little bit) He will do anything even that it means to tell me about his girlfriend but, he won't sleep with me but, it isn't something that much important.

I just started to felt something uncomfortable on me. It wasn't because of the foolish dare I had told him to do. After our previous accident kiss we didn't shift bodies but, instead I have started to attracted towards him. During his whole story , the things  I considered were his dry lips, his broad shoulders, his strong chest. Actually, he is not a bad guy. He is a strong, powerful man. Why am I thinking about those fizzy things?

So,I just went near him and asked, "Is there something on my eye? It is hurting"  while pointing my left eye. He came near me and close his face to mine. His lips were just a bit high from my lips. After checking my eye, he said, "No, there is...." he couldn't complete his sentence as I interrupt it by kissing him.

I felt my lips touched his almond tasted  lips. His tongue slips to my mouth and we kissed. I sucked his upper lip while entering my tongue to his mouth. I hugged him while kissing and I put my hands around his clothless body. Sparks started to rotate in my body.  My heart started to beat faster. I closed my eyes and I felt his aromatic, tangy, almond fragrance. He pushed me and I took a deep breath. My body started to sweat. "What are you doing?" he asked from me in a surprised way but, I didn't care.

I took my face near to him and whispered, "I'm sorry" to his ear and I pulled him to me again. This time, he didn't try to get off from me, instead he kissed me back. I started to remove buttons on my uniform one by one while kissing him. I pushed him to the bed. I wide my legs and get over him.I continued kissing him while loosing his belt.but, suddenly everything started to be dark.