Dia's tale

Dia's POV

I felt he may have got me wrong. I just didn't mean to get her mother's side or just to clear her crimes. I just mean it that, she may have done this for a reason. But, as Phoenix didn't get me correctly he got up and sat under another tree beside where we were sitting. So,I stood up and went near him and sat under the same tree. Then,he tried to get away from me but,I said,"Don't you want answers for me?" as I knew if I just tell him that, I didn't expect to clear her mother's doubts, he won't bother to even listen to me.but, as I thought he looked at me in a "go on" look. But,as he didn't talk to me,I realize that he was really worrying for what I said......

"When,I was too small, may be 6 or 5 years, there was a festival in our pack. Could you remember it? However,that festival was really a headache to me (I said it in a disgusting way mixed with funny and as i thought, A small smile drawn on his face.)

So,I absolutely wanted to ignore the festival but,unfortunately it was so much essential to my mom and dad. They weren't seemed to be hang out me and,as my super-hero brother was with his friends I was really all alone. Then something happened to me. (When I said it,Phoenix just looked at me in curious way.)

However,I got a new idea to run away from my home, ran away from everyone who didn't need me. May be it's because,I was too little however,I really didn't run away just for nothing. I wanted to became a scientist. V my head on his shoulder and I didn't intend to and I didn't want to bother about it too.

Phoenix's POV

She started to cry like a baby,after put her face on my shoulder. I felt guilty about myself. Whenever I met with a problem,I used to blame it on someone else but,Dia was too much different from me. She blamed herself for what happened and If,I was Dia I was sure that,I will blame whatever even my ambition for what happened but,I won't blame myself.

I felt guilty about myself. Not only because of the above difference. When,I heard her story I realize that the festival she mentioned was nothing other than,my father's wedding!!!!! I want to tell about the thing which happened after it. May be she has run away from the home before it happened.but, I haven't courage to tell what happened on that night.

"It wasn't your fault,don't cry,Dia" after crying for a long period like 10 or more minutes,(This was the first time I've ever seen her crying so,this was too long for a brave girl like Dia)

After finishing her crying,her eyes started to shine in red colour. Her eyes have become thin and tip of her nose and her cheeks have become reddish pink. However to me,she was really beautiful even when she was crying, (ok,I know I am a bastard,So,you don't want to think about it)

"Did you miss your answers because of my baby crying?" Then she asked from me while looking at me when her head was on my shoulder. After that, she straightened her head. I was really surprised about this girl. From the first day I got to know her,she was really mysterious. She was a girl who acted as an easy girl who spent a normal life while doing 8 part-time jobs per a week, She was a girl who was with boys every time,but afraid of bitches.

She had many personalities in front of different people including me. But,  By this time I had seen her inner soul penetrated so,I knew who she really is. This is her really personality. It doesn't matter how she tried to become a girl with a rock instead a heart from outside but,inside she was a real girl who cried like a baby revealing her true feeling of alone.

However,I didn't tell any of these things to Dia as if I said,she will absolutely hit me until death,(I really didn't want to die at this age,I even haven't become together with a girl.)

Dia's POV

I shouldn't have cried like that. However,when I said "Did you miss your answers because of my baby crying?" in a funny way,this bastard just said

"My lady,if your crying is now over. Can you e please tell me what happened next?"

I really wanted to punch his face this time. He should understand that a girl can't be as normal after she cried. However it was looked like he wasn't bother about those things. So,even though I wasn't ready,I had to continue my story as I didn't want to become weak in front of anyone.

"When, I ran away from the home. I didn't knew where should I go. I went as my heart said. I was walking on a  A deserted road full of darkness so,I was a bit scared. When I came to a junction, I saw a shadow was following me. I was really scared and I started to ran after changing to my wolf form.(Even though that I was the one who had to face to these things, I saw phoenix's face has turned to pale colour from the fear.)

I ran,ran,ran until the sun arise on the next day. Then I stopped and started to rest under a tree. While I was sitting under the tree,I could heard a sound of ding-dong. I was scared but as I couldn't run anymore, I went near to a tree from where the sound came and when,I checked I saw another one was resting under the tree and I couldn't believe my eyes from what I saw. He wasn't any other instead of my annoying brother.,(I started to smile from seeing Phoenix's widened mouth and surprised face.)

When, he was talking with his friends, he had seen me unexpectedly. However, he has followed me to see where am I going,as he had thought I am going to see my boy friend. (Another confused look from Phoenix)

However, he asked from me why am I going then, I answered in the same way that I did to you. Then,he agreed to my dream and ambition even though he said I am really stupid. We were too tired after the ran and we were hungry too. We wandered around and walked everywhere, looking for food. Then,we met a street band who were playing to find money. We went there and they gave us food. There I met Maria but,at that time they didn't have caravans.

They let us to be with them and they treated to us as their own child specially Riana but refused to tell something to us. However, they were really funny and even though we were poor. We conduct a Sunday party at every Sunday. After some weeks passed like this, we could feel they were hiding something from us and whenever I tried to ask it from Riana she refused to tell it to me. However,at last the full moon day came and as it was a Sunday we were on a Sunday party. So, first, my brother transformed in to his wolf. They scared a bit. but,then,I also started to transform but, as I could remember Riana just poured something to my mouth with a bitter taste. She told me it was a liquid named,"Tanium" which can stop the transformation of a werewolf on the full moon day.

Because of that something,I didn't transformed but,as My brother had completed his transformation he ran away. However then,they told me they were also magical creatures and they were known as gifted ones or visionorsas they could see the future. I told my story to them and they told me that they'll help me. After 2 years passed,the magical government gave us 30 caravans as a gift. So,we got a chance to use each caravans for each as we were only 13.

However,as They were poor they couldn't attend me to a good academy so,they introduce me to Miss.Bridget who worked as a shop keeper. She helped me to find a job and gave a chance to live with her. She was so kind to me and I wanted to come and see these people often but,I couldn't as I was too tired from doing part-time jobs but,one day I came to see them but,I got to know they had went away from where they was and until today I didn't meet them."

"Any problems?" I said stopping my story. Phoenix blinked and managed to say, "what happened to your brother? Didn't he ever came after that?"

"Ah,I am sorry. I couldn't say, he really came after that day and they started to live with these people. Actually, he wasn't any other he is the one that we met before. Patrick Radolf."

"Then is that guy we met was your brother?"

"Yup" I answered while smiling to his idiotic expression.

A big silence spread between us  so, to break the silence I said, " Do you wanna know anything? Idiot?" and I started to run while he was thinking about what I said and as I expected he started to run after me saying "Who is the idiot? I'll show you who is the idiot.....hey, Wait there... Why are you running?..... Are you afraid of me?.....