61 - Main Mage

That fireball caught all the Blessed off guard. They knew each other very well and knew that in their group there was no one who had a Blessing of Fire. Even though it was a very common Blessing, where in almost every Fortress with random grouping there was one or two people with a Blessing of Fire, they had none Blessed like that.

But now, out of nowhere, an almost transparent fireball appeared because of the red filter they had in their eyes, which hit the fallen bird before anyone could do anything.

The Blessed were confused, except for Jasper who knew exactly who had shot that strange fireball that made the bird scream in agony for a few seconds before dying. During the Goblin Forest Fortress raid, he had noticed that Noah, for some reason, liked to cause the last attack on the goblins. Regardless of whether it was the Boss or a normal goblin, Noah always tried to make the last attack.